EDJC 2021 > Spain > Visita Turística “La Córdoba Sefardí para Familias con niños pintores” A cargo de Inmaculada Lázaro. CÓRDOBA LUXURY EXPERIENCE

Visita Turística “La Córdoba Sefardí para Familias con niños pintores” A cargo de Inmaculada Lázaro. CÓRDOBA LUXURY EXPERIENCE

Really all children are artists. We propose to take a guided tour of Sephardic Cordoba adapted to children, with their families, of course. See parallels between the different religions of the "Book" that passed through Córdoba, discovering from a bird's eye view the wonders of the Casa de Sefarad, Synagogue and Judíos street and ending at the stairs of Hasday Ibn Shaprut street to pay a small tribute by drawing a Menorah and singing all the Sephardic greeting par excellence: Shalom Averim A moment of meeting and coexistence with the family that will make us remember one of our roots and delve into a past that is still alive in many traditions. With this, the topic DIALOGUES, IN THIS CASE PARENTS WITH CHILDREN, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS ... and dialogues between the cultures that form the idiosyncrasy of the Cordovan culture are deepened.

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03 September 2021


08:00 PM – 10:00 PM


Puerta de Almodóvar



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