EDJC 2023 > Memory


Memory has several dimensions and includes both internal, personal memories of what we ourselves experienced and experienced, as well as external, collective recollection of what is no longer there. A memory is to some extent timeless, as it is passed down from generation to generation and is preserved in written form long after the lives of those in whose minds it was formed. At the same time, it is also firmly anchored in time, described and defined by the moment in which it was created. Libraries are storehouses of memory, which is present in memorial and archival materials, books and records of countless lives, knowledge and thoughts. The National Library of Israel, with its archival collection and more than five million books, is the central institution of national memory. On the occasion of this year's European Days of Jewish Culture, which is dedicated to the theme of memory, an exhibition based on archival material, memories, excerpts from the press, historical photographs, books of Jewish communities, postcards and other memories of European Jewish communities was prepared in the aforementioned library.

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Date Start Date: 2023-09-22


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Maribor, Slovenia




Sinagoga Maribor

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