Other projects

NOA (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism)
Ongoing project
NOA – Networks Overcoming Antisemitism, offers a pioneering approach to tackle the problem of rising antisemitism in Europe. With its unique partnership of major Jewish networks, it will evaluate EU Member States’ policies across areas, from education to culture and security, and help them to develop holistic national action plans to address and prevent antisemitism.
The word ‘noa’ means ‘in motion’ in Hebrew, reflecting a positive movement towards a society where Jewish life will flourish and antisemitism will be curtailed. Together, the partners represent 756 national affiliates.
This project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

Ongoing project
NEXT ROUTES is an innovative European project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, that seeks to address the evolving needs of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe by equipping their operators with advanced digital and creative skills, and introducing innovative gamification strategies to enhance the appeal and educational value of these routes. By designing and implementing its activities, NEXT ROUTES will achieve the following results:
To stablish a training methodology as an educational tool aimed at fostering and enriching the knowledge and transversal competences of the staff members and operators of the EU Cultural Routes; to create a digital toolkit, an interactive platform delivering tailored training pathways for Cultural Routes staff digital upskilling and embedding gamification apps for users engagement; and a step-by-step guide supporting the use of the toolkit for training purposes and for the creation of customized game-based solutions.

2020 – 2023
The aim of the WalkEUR project is to strengthen European Cultural Routes through the development of joint strategies based of four main pilars: Sources, Citizens involvement, Cultural management and Cultural marketing and storytelling.
The four cultural routes certified by the Council of Europe (ATRIUM, the Ceramics Route, Charles V and the Jewish Heritage Route), which participate in this Creative Europe program project, join forces to carry out seminars, training and workshops on the aforementioned pillars.

Jewish History Tours
2021 – 2023
Jewish History Tours is a project that leverages the power of location-based storytelling to create engaging, high-quality tours on pan-European topics, such as multiculturalism, persecution and migration.
The tours are produced by local partners, building on their knowledge of local Jewish history and the sites telling those stories. The tours include items from digitised collections made available by the project on Europeana, the European digital library. The tours are enhanced using a powerful suite of AI-powered tools: translation into European languages and an AI-generated voiceover is added.
Strengthening the connection between heritage and tourism is a strategic priority of the project. Jewish History Tours addresses this priority by establishing a strategic cooperation between Europeana and the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, a powerful network of more than 20 members, collectively representing several heritage destinations and sites.
All the tours are published on open platforms like Clio Muse Tours, and izi.Travel; local platforms such as Azerbaijan Travel and platforms dedicated to Jewish heritage tourism like World Jewish Travel. Europeana is a strategic partner in this project, publishing a wealth of new materials about Jewish life in Europe and enjoying its innovative technology for location-based enrichment of digitised collections.

2022 – 2023
The Youth4Culture project aims to explore new strategies and working methods to encourage youth civic participation in the promotion and valorization of European cultural heritage as a sustainable resource for entrepreneurship and sustainable development. In this field, the project will implement several activities to promote the exchange of best practices, the ideas generation, the training of youth workers skills and working methods and their professional development that will allow them to define new initiatives related to youth participation, promotion of European cultural heritage and youth social inclusion.
Moreover, the project will work on generate ideas to be adapted and implemented in each target territory. It will work also on the exchange of good practices and teach how valorize them and adapt them to their contexts. I will work also on providing tools for youth workers about how to cooperate together on social issues affecting young people today, all taking into account the principles of civic participation and gobernance that are so important to promote social development in a democratic and sustainable way.

Fab Route
2020 – 2023
The Fab Route is a KA2 project co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme to enhance EU Cultural Routes by designing an innovative educational module to improve their members skills in relation to Cultural Heritage Management and sustainable tourism.
The project will be implemented by 8 partners: 6 European Cultural Routes officially recognized by the Council of Europe (ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes in Europe’s Urban Memory and Phoenician Routes registered in Italy; European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage based in Luxembourg, The Olive Tree Cultural Foundation based in Greece, The European Routes of Emperor Charles V with headquarters in Spain and the Via Regia based in Germany the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism –CAST University of Bologna (responsible for scientific coordination) and ARGO, a private company specialized in the implementation of cultural projects with important expertise on audio-visual training production and digital communication strategy.
If you need these documents translated in other languages do not hesitate to contact us.

Mi Dor Le Dor Italia
2021 – 2022
Heritage is a verb. It is an intergenerational call to action. It is not simply about preserving the past. Heritage is vitally about the present and future, requiring continuous creation and transformation. Heritage in today’s world has become transdisciplinary; its preoccupation with traditional principles of conservation and archeology have been replaced by a focus on the processes of transmission and the expansion of cultural and multi-cultural understanding, ensuring that tangible and intangible Jewish heritage can contribute to personal identity, social identification, and the cultural dynamics economic well being of the community.
The Mi Dor Le Dor program, created by Taube Center in 2012, offers a dynamic approach with the goal of expanding the field of Jewish heritage and engaging more individuals and institutions throughout Europe in the process.

Parallel Traces
2018 – 2021
Parallel Traces is a cross-cutting, collaborative, pan-European project that offers a renewed look at the significance of Jewish heritage today. The project aims to rediscover traces of Jewish cultural heritage in urban architecture as an integral part of European history and to raise awareness and respect amongst different cultures through different mechanisms.