The AEPJ continues to participate in the ninth Training Academy on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, which is being held in the French city of Fontainebleau, home of the Cultural Route of the Impressionists. Today has been a very special day, as we have actively participated in the working group on international relations, presenting different actions that we have carried out with our European Routes of Jewish Heritage in collaboration with other Cultural Routes. We also gave a presentation of the Jewish History Tours project, in collaboration with Europeana, the European digital library, and Jewish Heritage Network. In the presentation we have shown the development of the project, the tours that are being developed by the members of the AEPJ, as well as the training seminars that have been carried out in the framework of the project. In the photos we can see Victor Sorenssen, director of AEPJ and Pavel Katz, CEO of Jewish Heritage Network.
Today’s day was complemented by the presentation of good practices in the framework of national and regional cooperation between routes, as well as discussions on the need to strengthen the visibility of the programme. Tomorrow the Training Academy will come to an end and it will be time to draw conclusions and define the roadmap for next year. We would like to thank the Route des Impressionistes for their fantastic welcome and work in organising the Training Academy. Greetings from Fontainebleau!