5th European Routes of Jewish Heritage Incubator
2023 Edition
16th to 19th October, 2023
Lublin & Warsaw, Poland

The significance of heritage lies in the message it conveys.

The annual training programme exclusively for members of the ERJH reaches its fifth edition with a programme that aims to highlight the advances that our community has developed over the last year, to share them, learn from them and give continuity to the process of construction, consolidation and dissemination of our Routes. On this occasion we will focus on the unfolding of the narratives of the routes, on how the discursive link between one place and another is constructed, on the perspective and values behind the message conveyed by interpretative elements such as exhibitions and mediators as tour guides and heritage educators, and on the conception of the memory policies behind them. On the other hand, we will be introduced to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their link with Cultural Routes, an issue that is not only of growing interest within our community but is also focusing some of the debates within the Cultural Routes and the Institute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe recently.
We will also be privileged to be hosted by the ‘Brama Grodzka – NN Theatre’ Centre in Lublin and the Taube Center for Jewish Life & Learning in Warsaw, which will provide us with an excellent opportunity to explore the challenges of transmitting heritage in spaces of absence and presence, creating nuanced narratives that integrate the past and the present, and examine the importance of collaboration among all of the stakeholders to achieve our goals, based on the study case in Poland and in the frame of the Shtetl Routes, learn more about the Center’s heritage education methodologies and practices, explore the richness of Warsaw’s Jewish heritage, examine issues of memory and memorialization in place which there is a presence of absence, identify the nexus between the past and the present, and combine the Holocaust and the post war trauma into a cohesive narrative.
In this fifth edition, we would like to highlight the European Routes of Jewish Heritage leadership in the frame of the Routes certified by the Council of Europe, in fields such as heritage narratives, the link between cultural experience and its impact on the critical capacity of citizens in the understanding of our history and society, as a tool for awareness-raising, and the role of the European Jewish Heritage Routes as a tool to raise awareness of our history and society.
Despite the meeting is intended for the AEPJ members, it is also open to other stakeholders in the field of the Jewish Heritage routes development. The participation in the training for professionals from outside the AEPJ has a fee of 300€.
Check out the European Routes of Jewish Heritage Incubator 2023 programme:

Sunday 15th October
Arrival & Accomodation in Warsaw

Monday 16th October
- Welcome to the programme, recommendations, and updates.
- Who should I offend first? The politics of narrative in cultural routes. Keynote and workshop leaded by Jeremy Leigh.
- The linkage between the narrative of Jewish heritage in Poland and the educational action of the Taube Center, by the Taube Center team
- Workshop on Jewish heritage education, by the Taube Center team

Tuesday 17th October
- Sustainability in the frame of the Cultural Routes, presentation by Anke Biedenkapp and Marc Francesch Camps.
- Sustainable Development Goals’ workshop, by Marc Francesch Camps.
- Transfer by bus to Kazimierz Dolny
- Narrative of the Shtetl Routes introduction, by Emil Majuk
- Visit at Kazimierz Dolny, by Marcin Pisula
- Transfer by bus to Lublin, accomodation

Wednesday 18th October
- Brama Grodzka exhibit “Lublin – Memory of the Place” visit with Joanna Zętar
- Membership criteria presentation and discussion by Marc Francesch Camps.
- Lublin’s Jewish quarter remembrance activity by Brama Grodzka NN Theatre team
- Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin – activity in synagogue by Brama Grodzka NN Theatre team
- Evening
- Memory Talk at NN Theatre with Witek Dabrowski.

Thursday 19th October
- Shtetl Routes fieldtrip visit – Włodawa and Sobibór Death Camp Memorial by Shtetl Route team
- Wrap up session by Marc Francesch Camps on the ERJH’s narratives.
- Farewell

Friday 20th October