EDJC 2021 > Slovenia > פ – here

פ – here

Andrea or Andrej Furlan has been engaged in professional photography for more than three decades, and he has so far exhibited his artistic photographs in both solo and group exhibitions. In a series of three-dimensional photographs printed on plaster, the author combined tombstones from the Jewish cemetery in Dolga vas near Lendava and details of records from the duplicate of the Jewish Register of Lendava 1820–1943, which is kept by the Provincial Archives of Maribor. When creating this series, Furlan paid a lot of attention to the details, because this was the only way he could photographically record the rare remains of the Jewish material heritage in the space, and at the same time remind us of the past, which will forever remain tainted by the breakdown of human morality. The title of the series consists of the Hebrew letter פ (P), which begins the inscription "here rests" on Jewish tombstones. But the author intentionally left out the word "rests", because instead of passing away, he wants to highlight the historical presence of the Jewish community in this area, and by shedding light on its tragic fate, at the same time pay tribute to it and offer knowledge that will help us in the development of our morality and the creation of a future past. The curator of the exhibition is Sara Nuša Golob Grabner. Coorganised with Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor and Židovska Cultural Quarter.

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17 September 2022


08:30 PM – 09:00 PM


Židovska ulica 4


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