EDJC 2021 > Spain > Yincana “Las pruebas del Rey David” A cargo de BECOME CÓRDOBA

Yincana “Las pruebas del Rey David” A cargo de BECOME CÓRDOBA

The presence of the Hebrew people in our current country dates back to the times of King Solomon, if we take as true the data found in the historical-religious documentation that tell us that they had trade with the people of Tarsos. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that the Jews have in Córdoba, since they constituted one of the most prosperous communities in its history, both under Muslim rule and, later, in the Christian kingdom. This activity is a Hebrew-themed gymkhana. The purpose of it is to encourage the knowledge of the participants to solve the enigmas posed. The Telegram messaging platform will be used for your organization, which is being used more and more by the general public. The planning of the activity is carried out following a few simple guidelines. The day the gymkhana is scheduled, or the day before, a group will open on Telegram with the name of the gymkhana title. With the publicity of the Sephardic Autumn program itself, the activity will be known to many people interested in participating. On the scheduled date, at 10:00 a.m. a riddle will be launched in the Telegram group, enigma, clue or riddle so that the answer to said clue indicates a place in Córdoba that has to do with Jewish Córdoba. The first participant who solves it and arrives at the place will receive a gift from the organization. Each time a challenge or enigma is solved, it will be said by the group that the puzzle was solved, for public knowledge and that no crowds are created at the points set in response to the tracks thrown. Later and seeing how the activity develops, a clue, enigma, riddle or riddle will be launched again, at approximately 11:00, 12:00 and 13:00, with the one at 13:00 being the last clue to be carried out. .

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04 September 2021


10:00 AM – 01:00 PM


Through the TELEGRAM platform



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