Special Screening of "The Assembly: A New Musical Film", directed by Hershey Felder, PL/USA 2023, 98 MIN, documentary. The Assembly, a film written and directed by Hershey Felder, shot in Poland, was inspired by the work of Holocaust survivor Eva Libitzky, who lost her entire family in the Holocaust of World War II. Over the last 40 years of her life, Libitzky has made it her mission to tell her harrowing life story in hundreds of school assemblies so that young people in America will never forget what happened in Europe 80 years ago. Libitzky, 97, died in 2021 at her home in Florida, but this new documentary featuring eight former students at the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts (SDSCPA) will continue her legacy. Eight different students from San Diego's famous School of Creative and Performing Arts travel through time with their mentors to war-torn Europe. As young artists find history, we find them and thus discover their stories of resilience, identity and music. The Assembly, a film written and directed by Hershey Felder, shot in Poland, was inspired by the work of Holocaust survivor Eva Libitzky, who lost her entire family in the Holocaust of World War II. Over the last 40 years of her life, Libitzky has made it her mission to tell her harrowing life story in hundreds of school assemblies so that young people in America will never forget what happened in Europe 80 years ago. Libitzky passed away in 2021 at the age of 97, but this new film starring these eight students will continue her legacy.


The screening of “The Assembly: A New Musical Film” at 21.st Warsaw Jewish Film Festival

Special Screening of "The Assembly: A New Musical Film", directed by Hershey Felder, PL/USA 2023, 98 MIN, documentary. The Assembly, a film written and directed by Hershey Felder, shot in Poland, was inspired by the work of Holocaust survivor Eva Libitzky, who lost her entire family in the Holocaust of World War II. Over the last 40 years of her life, Libitzky has made it her mission to tell her harrowing life story in hundreds of school assemblies so that young people in America will never forget what happened in Europe 80 years ago. Libitzky, 97, died in 2021 at her home in Florida, but this new documentary featuring eight former students at the San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts (SDSCPA) will continue her legacy.


La clau del record amb “La Jueva de Tortosa”

Representació teatralitzada i actuació musical en un escenari molt especial, els carrers i places del call jueu de Tortosa. Una posada en escena inspirada en la clau que tants jueus i jueves es van emportar a l'exili.
Blanca, la Jueva de Tortosa, apareix entre el públic, amb la clau a les mans, a la recerca de la seva casa, on hi guarda un bagul ple d'objectes lligats a la seua tradició, vida i costums del seu passat a Tortosa. Una experiència immersiva i colpidora que ens convida a prendre consciència de les nostres arrels.



C’est l’histoire d’un combat, d’une renaissance, d’une réconciliation …
1963, Bruno a 5 ans, lors d’un voyage dans les pays de l’Est lorsqu’il découvre qu’il est un enfant juif, un « miracle ».
60 ans plus tard, au chevet de son père malade qui n’a jamais su l’écouter, il livre le récit intime, drôle et poignant de sa jeunesse, depuis la découverte du Jeu jusqu’à celle du théâtre, celui de sa lutte acharnée et joyeuse pour devenir l’Acteur de sa vie.
Une épopée théâtrale autobiographique, le chemin d’un jeune homme et d’un acteur vers la liberté, inspiré par la parole de Rabbi Nahman : « Parle, envole-toi ! Les mots sont tes ailes"


Domicili inconegut

Domicili inconegut is an adaptation inspired by the work written in 1938 "Address unknown", by Kressmann Taylor (1938).


Teibele and Her Demon (Tajbele i njen demon)

Based on the novel by Isaak Bashevic Singer
Starring: Milena Radulović, Dragan Petrović, Vukašin Jovanović
Costume design by Gordana Angelovski
Directed by Stefan Sablić


Cabaret Kwatsch in Den Haag

Jewish Cabaret. Memories of Jewish life in the Netherlands


« C’était un samedi, c’était shabbat, le 25 mars 1944, à Ioannina »

« C’était un samedi, c’était shabbat, le 25 mars 1944, à Ioannina »

Passant des souvenirs du grand écrivain grec, Dimitris Haddis, aux témoignages des survivants qu’elle tisse de chants judéo-grecs ou judéo-espagnols, la metteure en scène, Irène Bonnaud, raconte, par la voix de l’actrice et chanteuse Fotini Banou, le sort tragique de cette communauté mais aussi sa vie et sa culture. Le destin du convoi grec du printemps 1944, c’est pourtant aussi « l’affaire Kurt Waldheim », les quatre photos prises par Alberto Errera à Birkenau, le manuscrit enterré de Marcel Nadjari, la révolte du Sonderkommando le 7 octobre 1944 – un samedi aussi.
Entourée par de fascinantes figurines créées par la sculptrice Clio Makris, Fotini Banou, avec tendresse et ténacité, dit le deuil d’un monde disparu, mais aussi la résistance.

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