AEPJ General Assembly & Strategic Meeting 2024 satisfaction survey

1. Overall Experience(Required)
How satisfied were you with the overall experience of the General Assembly and strategic meeting?
2. Event Organization(Required)
How would you rate the organization of the event?
3. Communication(Required)
How effective was the communication before and during the event?

Strategic sessions- Plenary

4. Content Relevance(Required)
How relevant were the topics discussed during the plenary sessions to your interests and needs?
5. Engagement(Required)
How engaging did you find the plenary sessions?
6. Presentations of the survey results and meetings with key stakeholders(Required)

Small Group Meetings

7. Group Discussions(Required)
How productive were the small group discussions?
8. Facilitation(Required)
How would you rate the facilitation of the small group meetings?
9. Participation(Required)
How inclusive and participatory did you find the small group sessions?

Cultural and Social Visits

10. Interest Level(Required)
How interesting were the cultural and social visits?
11. Value Addition(Required)
How much did the cultural and social visits add value to your overall experience?
12. Organization(Required)
How well-organized were the cultural and social visits?


13. Venue I (Casa Adret- Friday 17)(Required)
How suitable was the venue for the event?
14. Venue II (Institut Estudis Catalans- Sunday 19)(Required)
How suitable was the venue for the event?
15. Catering(Required)
How would you rate the catering services (food and beverages) provided during the event?

Future Improvements

What suggestions do you have for improving future events?
Please provide any additional comments or feedback you have.

Overall Satisfaction

16. Recommendation(Required)
How likely are you to recommend attending this event to others?
17. Return Attendance(Required)
How likely are you to attend this event again in the future?


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