Official Ceremony AEPJ 20th Anniversary
23rd of January, 2025
Council of Europe, Strasbourg

If you have reached this webpage, it is because you have been formally invited to join us in commemorating a significant milestone: the 20th Anniversary of the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Heritage (AEPJ).
This celebration marks two decades of dedicated efforts in safeguarding and promoting Jewish heritage throughout Europe. It also commemorates the 20th anniversary of the European Route of Jewish Heritage being designated as a Cultural Route by the Council of Europe, a reflection of its cultural and historical significance.
Your presence at this event is both an honor and a reflection of the meaningful partnerships and connections we have cultivated over the years. Together, we will celebrate our collective achievements, pay tribute to the visionaries who have shaped this journey, and set the stage for the AEPJ’s future initiatives.
The program promises to be a rich and inspiring experience. Highlights include a distinguished round table discussion on Medieval Jewish Heritage in Europe, featuring renowned experts, as well as additional activities that showcase the depth and vibrancy of Jewish culture.
For those traveling from outside Strasbourg, we are pleased to suggest the following accommodations:
- Hotel Hilton Strasbourg
- Hotel Marriot AC Strasbourg
- Hotel de l’Orangerie Strasbourg
- Hotel Tandem Strasbourg
- Hotel Arok Strasbourg
We kindly recommend booking your accommodations as soon as possible, as high occupancy is expected due to the European Parliament’s monthly plenary session, which will take place in Strasbourg from January 20th to 23rd, coinciding with the week of the AEPJ anniversary.
You will find the detailed program below, along with a form to confirm your attendance.
We are thrilled to welcome you to this momentous occasion and look forward to celebrating this shared journey together.
Detailed Program for the Day
23rd of January, 2025
Council of Europe, Strasbourg
9h00 – 9h30 Guest reception at the entrance to Room 9
We kindly ask you to arrive from 8h45 to allow sufficient time for security checks.
9h30 – 10h30 Official Opening with speeches by:
- Introduction by Mr. François MOYSE, President of the AEPJ
- Welcome by Mr. Björn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
- Speech by Mr. Eric THILL, Minister of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
- Remarks by Ms. Irena GUIDIKOVA, Head of the Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department, Acting Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe, Acting Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Remarks by Ms. Gabrielle ROSNER-BLOCH, Regional Councilor Delegate for Culture and Worship, Responsible for Heritage, Grand Est Region (France)
- Speech by Ms. Catherine TRAUTMANN, former Minister of Culture of France, City Councilor of Strasbourg
10h30 – 11h00 AEPJ 20th Anniversary Birthday Cake Sequence and photo session, followed by a coffee break
11h00 – 12h30 Round Table on Medieval Jewish Heritage in Europe, moderated by David Weis, Deputy Director the Luxembourg Archaeological Research Institute
- Carole Wenner, historian: The representation of Jews in medieval art in the Rhine region
- Karin Sczech Archaeologist and Heritage Officer of the City of Erfurt: Medieval Jewish built heritage in Erfurt – UNESCO World Heritage
- Javier Castaño, historian: Sepharad and Beyond: The Textuality of Medieval Material Jewish Culture
Lunch Break until 13h45
Participants are kindly invited to enjoy lunch at their own expense at the Council of Europe’s canteen, conveniently located within the building.
14h00 Departure by bus from the Council of Europe to avenue de la Paix
14h15 – 15h30 Visit to the Synagogue de la Paix, welcome by Maurice Dahan, President of the Consistory of Bas-Rhin, and Yoav Rossano, Heritage Project Manager.
15h45 – 16h45 Guided walking tour focusing on Jewish life in medieval times in Strasbourg and a visit around the cathedral led by Carole Wenner.
17h00 – 18h30 Reception hosted by the Ambassador Patrick ENGELBERG at the Residence of the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg 4 rue Schwilgué
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