Our scientific committee
In our project, we count on different international experts and specialists who help us to guarantee the quality of our projects. The Scientific Committee defines the criteria for the call for projects and selects those to support.
In the framework of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, the role of our Scientific Board is to design and carry out the different training programmes, follow up participants on their work, assist them in planning their specific action plan for their routes, approve new European Route’s partnerships and supervise the new routes’ roll out.
If you wish to become part of our Scientific Committee, click here to contact us.

Yoel Mansfeld
University of Haifa - Gordon College for Education
His main areas of academic interests include: Cultural tourism; heritage tourism; religious tourism; community-based tourism; sustainable tourism; tourism planning and development; development of small & medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs); tourism and consumer behaviour; tourism and environmental management; Tourism, security and safety issues; tourism and crisis management.
Yoel Mansfeld is the founder and the former Head of the University of Haifa’s Centre for Tourism, Pilgrimage & Recreation Research (CTPRR). He is also a member of the UNESCO UNITWIN Network on Culture, Tourism and Development and a member of the University Network of the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

Jeremy Leigh
Hebrew Union College Jerusalem
Prior to coming to HUC-JIR, Leigh taught Ethnography of Israeli Society through Cinema, at Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University. As well as teaching at various academic institutions in Jerusalem, he is the director of ‘Jewish Journeys,’ a long standing initiative to develop and advance the field of global Jewish travel. He has worked for many years training teachers and guides in the theory and practice of site education, in particular with UK teachers through the Holocaust Educational Trust. Leigh studied at University College London and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He has written extensively about the field of Jewish educational travel, including his last book, Jewish Journeys: Reflections on Jewish Travel (Haus, London 2006). Leigh was born in London, England and moved to Israel in 1992.

Jordi Tresserras
University of Barcelona - LABPATC Lab of Cultural Heritage
Currently visiting professor at the Masters and Doctorate Program in Heritage Management and Tourism at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the Cultural Management Postgraduate. Program at Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.
Consultant for international organizations (Council of Europe, European Commission, IADB, ILO-UN, OEI, SEGIB, SICA, UNESCO, UNWTO, World Bank) and national cooperation agencies (AECID, Alliance Française, Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo, Cooperation Suisse, GIZ, HIVOS, JICA).
Member of the UNITWIN Network of the UNESCO Chair on Culture, Tourism and Development, the University Network of the European Institute of Cultural Routes and the Culture and Gastronomic Tourism Product Clubs at Catalan Tourism Board.
This project has been reinforced by the collaboration with the National Library of Israel, which has joined the AEPJ’s Scientific Committee as a means to provide educational and cultural content that can be used for the development of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, as well as a means of content development for tour-guides working on these routes.