The cemetery is located on the territory of the town on a flat area. It occupies 1 million square meters. It is believed that there are 25 thousand monuments. Conventionally, the territory is divided into two sections: the old and the so-called new one. Old burials date back to the 19th century. The oldest are believed to date back to 1835. However, the so-called new cemetery also includes burials from the second half of the 19th century. The cemetery is surrounded by a fence destroyed in several places. There are locked gates. There are several graves in the cemetery – memorials associated with the mass extermination of the Jews of the town and its environs during the Holocaust. In the 90s, cases of vandalism were fixed at the cemetery. The cemetery is active. It is visited by both locals and visitors. There is a necropolis in which the last rabbi of the city is buried. As a rule, on post-war monuments, the names of the family members who died during the Second World War and are buried in other places are indicated. Sometimes there are up to ten such additional inscriptions on a monument.
The inscriptions in the so-called new cemetery are mostly in Russian and date from the period after 1880. In the old cemetery, the inscriptions are made in Hebrew and Yiddish. In the early 90s of the 20th century, with the revival of the community, it was possible to catalog about 3,000 names. This process has not been completed.