LUXEMBOURG—May 10, 2023
The AEPJ has taken the last step in the process of renewal of the Council of Europe certification for the European Route of Jewish Heritage, through the hearing that took place at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg in front of the representatives of the Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Cultural Routes. On behalf of the AEPJ, Claudia De Benedetti, member of the Board of the AEPJ, and Victor Sorenssen, its Director, presented the European Routes of Jewish Heritage.
The presentation focused on the management model of the route, the European network that forms the route, its members, as well as its values and perspectives for future work. This hearing represents the last step in the renewal of the certification. Throughout 2022, the AEPJ prepared an extensive dossier presenting in detail the aspects mentioned above, as well as the work pertaining to the different requirements of the program, in accordance with Resolution CM Res(2013)67. Likewise, an external evaluator participated in our Izmir Incubator, where she was able to see first handedly the work we carry out.
The Cultural Routes of the CoE model has evolved over more than three decades into an exemplary system for sustainable transnational co-operation, and it has proven to be a successful initiative for socio-economic development, cultural heritage promotion and community involvement.
The programme is supported by two pillars: The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and the European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR). The EICR is the programme’s technical agency and the EPA on Cultural Routes follows the Council of Europe’s policy guidelines, establishes the programme strategy, and decides on the award of the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification. It is open to member and non-member States of the Council of Europe aiming to provide political support for national, regional and local initiatives to promote culture and tourism.
The Governing Board of the EPA is composed of representatives of the Ministries of Culture, Tourism and/or Foreign Affairs of its member States. Every year in April or May, the meeting of the EPA Governing Board takes place in Luxembourg, the seat of the EPA. On this occasion, Governing Board members meet to decide on the renewal of the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification of Cultural Routes undergoing regular evaluation and upon the award of the certification to candidate networks.
We will be notified of the outcome of this evaluation in June 2023.