The International festival of Jewish culture “SHALOM IN ALL THE WORLD” says “Shalom” to Klaipeda once again.
Despite our deep disappointment that both the Mayor of Klaipeda and the Lithuanian Council of Culture decided not to allocate any funding for the festival whatsoever, we remain absolutely committed to bringing the festival once again to the citizens of Klaipeda this year.
So, during the festival Jewish music and culture will be celebrated and performed at the highest professional level. Of course, due to this lack of financial support at local and national level, our options will be limited and some of our anticipated events will be unable to take place. Furthermore, the festival team will work on a purely voluntary basis, without any payment.
Nevertheless, be assured,”Shalom in All The World” will go ahead!
The Festival will happen thanks to the understanding and appreciation of munificent institutions, generous-hearted people and benevolent performers.
Throughout the month of September we will invite you to become acquainted with the music of the Jewish people, to experience its beauty, richness and joyfulness. To get to know the world renowned, but rarely mentioned in Lithuania, creators, nurturers and performers of this music.
This year the festival will also take place in Salantai and Gargzdai as well as in Klaipeda.
We are very much looking forward to meeting and greeting all friends of the festival. We warmly welcome all people who respect, love and embrace the history and culture of the Jewish and its close ties and affinities with that of Lithuania.
The International festival of Jewish culture “SHALOM IN ALL THE WORLD” says “Shalom” to Klaipeda once again.
Despite our deep disappointment that both the Mayor of Klaipeda and the Lithuanian Council of Culture decided not to allocate any funding for the festival whatsoever, we remain absolutely committed to bringing the festival once again to the citizens of Klaipeda this year.
So, during the festival Jewish music and culture will be celebrated and performed at the highest professional level. Of course, due to this lack of financial support at local and national level, our options will be limited and some of our anticipated events will be unable to take place. Furthermore, the festival team will work on a purely voluntary basis, without any payment.
Numerous events for students throughout the week will take place at the Elementary School "Mladost", Osijek
Numerous events for students throughout the week will take place at the Elementary School Bartola Kašića, Vinkovci
A workshop class for young students will explore the life and artistic legacy of Uri Kochba (Walter Koch), a Jewish artist born in Leszno in 1910. His remarkable series of works, created during his internment in camps amidst World War II, serve as a testament to the enduring power of art and the human spirit.
Mais qui était vraiment Rachi ? Un papa savant, curieux de tout ? Un grand-père qui apprenait à lire et à écrire à ses petits-enfants à la plume sur du parchemin ?
Une chose est sûre ! Il vivait à Troyes au Moyen-Âge, entouré de toute sa famille et de ses élèves. Grand écrivain, il décrit les métiers qu’il observe, l’ambiance de la ville et celle des vignobles …
Pour en savoir plus, inscrivez-vous à l’atelier spécial dédié aux familles pour découvrir un nouveau jeu de piste adapté aux enfants (de 5 à 12 ans) et des jeux autour d’une mallette remplie de secrets.
Un partenariat entre CulturistiQ, Troyes la Champagne Tourisme et le Groupement d’Intérêt Public Rachi à l’occasion des Journées Européennes de la Culture Juive 2024
Lieu : Troyes la Champagne Tourisme – 16 rue Aristide Briand 10000 Troyes Inscription / réservation en ligne : Réservez en direct (
Lorca Taller del Tiempo, ofrece una visita teatralizada con un personaje judío que recorrerá con los visitantes parte de la fortaleza con parada en el Aljibe del Espaldón y en el Parque Arqueológico y su Sinagoga, para
descubrir cómo era la vida de los judíos medievales de Lorca.
Fecha:Domingo 1 de septiembre
Lugar: Castillo de Lorca (Fortaleza del Sol)
Horarios pases: 11.45h y 13.15h
10.50€ Adultos y niños a partir de 16 años.
8.50 € Entrada reducida niños entre 5 y 16 años; y personas con derecho a reducción. Poseedores Tarjeta Amig@ de Lorca.
Gratis menores de 0-4 años.
Siéntete como un poblador de la antigua judería del Castillo de Lorca en una visita guiada familiar con actividades lúdicas para que te diviertas mientras aprendes.
Lugar: Castillo de Lorca (Fortaleza del Sol)
Fechas: Sábados de septiembre.
Horario: 18.30h
10.50€ Adultos y niños a partir de 16 años.
8.50 € Entrada reducida niños entre 5 y 16 años; y personas con derecho a reducción. Poseedores Tarjeta Amig@ de Lorca.
Gratis menores de 0-4 años.
As part of the European Day of Jewish Culture, the Galicia Jewish Museum invites parents and children to a quest tour "Legends of Kazimierz", during which everyone will learn about the history of Kazimierz through a game and search for a treasure during a walk.
Ein Puppen-Science-Fiction über die Rolle der Tiere im Judentum. Babett, das Schwein möchte unbedingt so koscher wie Mendel, das Schaf werden. Da kommt der rothaarige Shlomo mit seiner selbsterfundenen Koscher Maschine genau richtig.
Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des Familienfestes „Mesiba“ vor und in der Synagoge in Celle.
Um 13 Uhr und um 15 Uhr findet jeweils eine 45-minütige Aufführung von Bubales statt.
Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Jüdischen Kulturtage zwischen Harz und Heide, die 2024 zum fünften Mal stattfinden. Sie wird durch die Jüdische Gemeinde Celle und das Stadtarchiv der Stadt Celle organisiert.
Ansprache vor Koscher-Maschine:
Liebe großen und kleinen Gäste, herzlich willkommen!
Wir haben heute besondere Gäste da:
Das einzige Jüdische & interkulturelle Puppentheater Deutschlands.
Die bubales sind extra aus Berlin angereist, um euch das Stück:
„Die Koscher-Maschine“ vorzuführen.