The European Route of Judaism on the Rhineland – Sélestat
Sélestat introduction
The town of Sélestat, a Mecca of Rhenish Humanism, is classified as a Town of Art and History. Culturally rich, the town has 34 listed or registered historical monuments, such as the Romanesque church of Sainte Foy (12th century), the Gothic church of Saint Georges (13th-15th century) and the Humanist Library.
Sélestat in detail
During your visit to Sélestat, follow in the footsteps of the giant Sletto who will guide you through the town to discover the history and cultural wealth of the city. Don’t miss the tanners’ district with its typical half-timbered houses with pointed roofs. Sélestat also has an important natural heritage with the Ill*Wald estate.
A regional reserve where you can observe the largest population of wild fallow deer in France, sail on the Ill in a kayak or take a stroll along the estate’s interpretation trail. Let yourself be surprised by the artistic heritage of the town which organises different festivals every year (Rock Your Brain Fest, Summer Vibration Reggae Festival, …) and events such as the Corso Fleuri in August, the Carnival of the Machores in February and Sélest’Art, a biennial festival of contemporary art.

SELESTAT Corso Fleuri
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