On Sunday, September 1st, the Jewish Cultural Center Ljubljana on Križevniška Street will organize the event "Jewish Life in Ljubljana 2," which will intertwine Jewish music performed by the Kontra Quartet from Maribor and cantor Nikola David from Munich, and the stories of Jewish families from Ljubljana before World War II and during the Holocaust and their predominantly tragic fates. The stories of Jewish families from Ljubljana will be narrated by actors: Robert Korošec, Timotej Novaković, Nika Korenjak, and Robert Baruh Waltl.

Organizing such events today is extremely important, as it enables the preservation of historical memory, the strengthening of cultural awareness, and mutual understanding. These events allow us to remember the past, reflect on the present, and build a better future where tolerance and acceptance of diversity are the foundations of society. Participation in such a large pan-European cultural program underscores the importance of connecting and exchanging cultural experiences between different nations and communities.

The event, concert, and performance will take place at 6 PM outdoors in front of the Jewish Cultural Center on Križevniška. In case of bad weather, the event will be held in the atrium of the house at Križevniška 3. The event is free of charge and is supported by Visit Ljubljana and JDC.

On the same day, there will also be free guided tours of the Jewish Museum, the synagogue, and the exhibition "Holocaust in Ljubljana" at 12 PM and 6 PM, featuring five video stories of five Jewish families from Ljubljana. Registration is required for the guided tours via email: info@jkc.si

V nedeljo, 1. septembra, bo Judovski kulturni center Ljubljana na Križevniški ulici organiziral dogodek "Judovsko življenje v Ljubljani 2," ki bo preplet judovske glasbe, ki jo bo izvajal Kontra kvartet iz Maribora in kantor Nikola David iz Münchna, ter zgodb judovskih družin iz Ljubljane pred drugo svetovno vojno in v času holokavsta ter njihove pretežno žalostne usode. Zgodbe ljubljanskih judovskih družin bodo pripovedovali igralci: Robert Korošec, Timotej Novaković, Nika Korenjak in Robert Baruh Waltl.

Organizacija takih dogodkov je danes izjemno pomembna, saj omogoča ohranjanje zgodovinskega spomina, krepitev kulturne zavesti in medsebojnega razumevanja. Takšni dogodki omogočajo, da se spomnimo preteklosti, reflektiramo na sedanjost in gradimo boljšo prihodnost, kjer je strpnost in sprejemanje drugačnosti temelj družbe. Sodelovanje v tako velikem vseevropskem kulturnem programu poudarja pomembnost povezovanja in izmenjave kulturnih izkušenj med različnimi narodi in skupnostmi.

Dogodek, koncert, predstava bo ob 18h na prostem pred Judovskim kulturnim centrom na Križevniški. V primeru slabega vremena bo dogodek v atriju hiše Križevniška 3. Dogodek je brezplačen. Podprla sta ga Visit Ljubljana in JDC.

Isti dan bo ob 12h in 18h tudi brezplačno vodenje po Judovskem muzeju, sinagogi in razstavi "Holokavst v Ljubljani," kjer je na ogled tudi pet video zgodb petih ljubljanskih judovskih družin. Za vodenje so nujne prijave na email: info@jkc.si


Judovsko življenje v Ljubljani 2- družine / Jewish life in Ljubljana 2- Families

On Sunday, September 1st, the Jewish Cultural Center Ljubljana on Križevniška Street will organize the event "Jewish Life in Ljubljana 2," which will intertwine Jewish music performed by the Kontra Quartet from Maribor and cantor Nikola David from Munich, and the stories of Jewish families from Ljubljana before World War II and during the Holocaust and their predominantly tragic fates. The stories of Jewish families from Ljubljana will be narrated by actors: Robert Korošec, Timotej Novaković, Nika Korenjak, and Robert Baruh Waltl.

Organizing such events today is extremely important, as it enables the preservation of historical memory, the strengthening of cultural awareness, and mutual understanding. These events allow us to remember the past, reflect on the present, and build a better future where tolerance and acceptance of diversity are the foundations of society.


Open doors at Synagogue Kadoorie Mekor Haim, the Jewish Museum and Holocaust Museum.

The European Day of Jewish Culture is celebrated on the same day in almost forty countries on the Old Continent. In Oporto, visitors will have a special program involving the city’s main Jewish institutions, which include kosher restaurants, an art gallery and much, much more. Entrance is free of charge.

At the monumental Kadoorie Synagogue you can not only see its main prayer room, but also view the painting exhibition displayed in the wonderful library on the first floor, in addition to listening to the performance of the Mekor Haim Choir, a male choir singing Jewish liturgical music with a high quality repertoire.

At the Jewish Museum dedicated to the history of the Jews in Portugal and the diaspora, you will have the chance to meet the granddaughter of Captain Barros Basto, known as the “Portuguese Dreyfus”, who founded the modern Jewish community of Oporto exactly one century ago.


Open doors at the MUHBA El Call

Open doors at the MUHBA El Call, days 7th and 8th September, from 11 am to 15 pm and from 16 to 19 pm.

The MUHBA’s El Call is an ideal starting point for delving into the life of the Jewish community in Barcelona in medieval times, since it addresses the trajectory of this group in connection with the city’s history and shows the splendour of its cultural legacy. The objective is not only to portray its distinctive features or the milestones it achieved, but also to try to understand the relationship that existed between the Jews and the rest of the population of the city of Barcelona.


Europäischer Tag der Jüdischen Kultur

Check all the programme at https://juedischer-kulturtag.ch/


Open Day

We warmly invite you to a colorful program in the museum. The European Days of Jewish Culture have the motto “Family”. The sukkah is set up in the museum garden and there is a craft table for children. There will be guided tours through the permanent and the temporary exhibitions. We have a puppeteer as a guest who will act out the fairy tale “The Four Schallermen” together with visitors young and old using funny hand puppets and exciting percussion instruments. We are also opening our new children’s corner, which not only invites children to join in.

A cafeteria with cakes, coffee and tea invites you to linger.

Free entry.


Europian Day of Jewish Culture

Open Doors Day 10am – 3pm
Visit our synagogue that has been here since the 16th century, see our permanent exhibition on Jews in Split and hear our story from our members.

Synagogue – Opening of the exhibition MEMORY of the National Library of Israel.

Social hall of the Jewish community – Presenting past, present and future of the Old Jewish cemetery on the Marjan hill – on the occasion of the 450th
anniversary of its establishment. (The lecture will be in Croatian language.)


Spotkania z Oszpicinem! ЗУСТРІЧ З ОШПІЦИНЕМ!


17 września (niedziela) 2023

Wydarzenie organizowane w ramach EUROPEJSKICH DNI KULTURY ŻYDOWSKIEJ


– Zwiedzanie Cmentarza Żydowskiego w Oświęcimiu, prowadzenie: DR JACEK PROSZYK.
I tura – g. 10.00-12.00
II tura – g. 13.00-15.00
Miejsce: Zbiórka przy wejściu od ulicy Dąbrowskiego. Rejestracja nie jest wymagana.

– Życzenia do wytrąbienia!. Warsztat dla dzieci w wieku od 6 do 12 lat, prowadzenie: JULIA KRZYŚKÓW.
g. 12.00, miejsce: Synagoga Chewra Lomdej Misznajot, pl. ks. Jana Skarbka 3.
Zapraszamy na warsztaty z okazji rozpoczęcia żydowskiego Nowego Roku (5784). Będzie pysznie, pachnąco i hucząco. Tym razem będzie to fuzja warsztatów plastycznych i kulinarnych opowiadających o żydowskich tradycjach noworocznych. Przybywajcie i świętujmy razem!
Bezpłatna rejestracja: https://tnijurl.com/30b64e7effd6/

– Spacer śladami żydowskich oświęcimian z aplikacją IWALK*
I tura – g.


European Days of Jewish Culture in Oporto

Kadoorie Mekor Haim Synagogue
Admission free. Inaugurated in 1938, the Kadoorie Synagogue is the largest in the Iberian Peninsula, a Jewish centre with two prayer rooms, patios for sukkot, library, study room, mikvah for ritual bathing, restaurant, grocery, security bunkers and others. On the “European Day of Jewish Culture” only the garden, the prayer room and the library will be open.
15 large paintings portraying the millenary history of the Jewish community of Oporto will be in exhibition. Many Portuguese and foreign artists worked under the coordination of the artist of the Jewish Community of Oporto, Flor Mizhahi – a Sephardic Jewess born in Venezuela.
The Mekor Haim male Choir will perform in the main prayer room of Kadoorie Synagogue, at 17:00, singing liturgical music from its vast repertoire.


European Days of Jewish Culture in Oporto

Holocaust Museum of Oporto
Admission free. The Holocaust Museum of Oporto, the only one of its kind in the Iberian Peninsula, exhibits objects left behind in Oporto by the refugees in 1940 and depicts Jewish life before, during and after the Holocaust. It also has a replica of the dormitories at Auschwitz and a room of names.
During the visit to the Holocaust Museum of Oporto part of the feature film “The Light of Judah” will be shown, focusing on the Jewish refugees who passed through the city of Oporto. Their lives in tatters, these men, women, children and old people wished to leave Europe as soon as possible and go as far away as they could. “Europe, never again!”, they said.

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