Jewish Museum of Oporto
Admission free. The Jewish Museum of Oporto reveals the four millennia of Jewish history in the world and about two millennia on the land that is now Portugal, to the present day. Valuable objects, documents and films are dedicated to the brightest era of the Jewish community of Oporto, the edict of King D. Manuel, the times of the Inquisition and the community’s return in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. In addition to the rooms of the museum with the centuries-old history of the community, the Museum has a room with the film awards won by the community, a room on modern antisemitism, a room dedicated to operation Yonathan, a room-wine cellar with kosher Port wine and even a cinema.
There are three exhibits displayed at the Jewish Museum that relate to the period of the Inquisition. The first is a replica of a prison wagon that was used in the award-winning film "1618". The second is a book entitled "Sentinela Contra os Judeus" by Frei de Torrejoncillo. He described Jews as dangerous and having a tail. The third exhibit is a plaque with the names of people persecuted for Judaizing heresies.
At 10:30 this Memorial to the Victims of Inquisition in Oporto will be inaugurated.

The film “Sefarad” in the cinema of the Jewish Museum
Admission free. Screening of the film “Sefarad”. Showings at 10h30, 12h30 and 15h00. “Sefarad” tells the story of the Jewish community in the city of Oporto from 1923 to the present day, highlighting the action of Captain Barros Basto who, together with about thirty Ashkenazi Jews, tried to build a strong Jewish organisation in the city. The Captain was slandered by anonymous denunciations which led to him being expelled from the army. He became known as the “Portuguese Dreyfus”.
Each showing of the film “Sefarad” is followed by a talk between the audience and the granddaughter of Captain Barros Basto, Isabel Lopes, current Vice-President of the Jewish Community of Oporto.


European Days of Jewish Culture in Oporto

Jewish Museum of Oporto
Admission free. The Jewish Museum of Oporto reveals the four millennia of Jewish history in the world and about two millennia on the land that is now Portugal, to the present day. Valuable objects, documents and films are dedicated to the brightest era of the Jewish community of Oporto, the edict of King D. Manuel, the times of the Inquisition and the community’s return in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. In addition to the rooms of the museum with the centuries-old history of the community, the Museum has a room with the film awards won by the community, a room on modern antisemitism, a room dedicated to operation Yonathan, a room-wine cellar with kosher Port wine and even a cinema.


„Hören wie es früher einmal war“ – Erzählcafe im Rahmen der Denkmaltage – “Listening to how it used to be” – Storytelling Café as part of the Monument Days

„Hören wie es früher einmal war“ – Erzählcafe im Rahmen der Denkmaltage
Sie waren früher „zum kickern in der Synagoge“? Sie hatten Freunde, Bekannte, oder haben selbst in der heutigen Kleinen Synagoge gelebt?
Vor dem Umbau zum heutigen Museum wurde die Alte Synagoge gastronomisch genutzt, die Kleine Synagoge war ein Wohnhaus. Aus dieser Zeit sind fast keine Beschreibungen und Fotos bekannt. Deshalb findet im Rahmen der Denkmaltage am 07.09.23 von 17:00 – 20:00 Uhr ein Erzählcafe in der Kleinen Synagoge statt. Um die Dokumentation der Bau- und Entdeckungsgeschichte der beiden Häuser zu komplettieren werden Augenzeugenberichte und Bildmaterial gesucht. Von Interesse sind Ihre Erinnerungen und Geschichten, die kleinen Erlebnisse, die vom Alltag in den Gebäuden vor der Sanierung erzählen. Das Team der Alten und Kleinen Synagoge würde sich beispielsweise über Fotos vom Innen- und Außenraum sehr freuen!



Under the patronage of the City of Rijeka and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar Region,
in collaboration with the Tifan Co vegetarian bistro and the City Museum (Muzej grada Rijeke)

17:00h – Temple
Opening ceremony:
– Greetings from the President of the Jewish Community of Rijeka: Ranko Špigl
– Presentation of the initiative: coordinator Rina Brumini
– Presentation of the exhibition "Audio formacije" of the association "Interinova", Matulji: art-director Ivna Safundžić (matroneum)
– Greeting from the representative of the City of Rijeka
– Possible greeting from the representative of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar Region
– Performance of the Fratellanza choir of the Italian Community of Rijeka:
Va' pensiero, Nabucco, G. Verdi, performed by the mixed choir directed by maestra Ariana Bossi and piano accompaniment by the maestra Vjera Lukšić.


EDJC2023 Vilnius

European Day of Jewish Culture Events in Vilnius, September 3
September 3rd is coming. The first Sunday in autumn, the day the Lithuanian Jewish Community will again celebrate the European Day of Jewish Culture, a day the Community has celebrated for a decade now. As in previous years, all events across Europe to celebrate the day are modeled on a general theme. This year it’s memory. This topic is like a bridge leading to the Jewish cultural legacy which remains to a great extent unknown by the wider population. #Atmintis or Memory doesn’t end on the first Sunday in September, of course, and in September and October the Lithuanian Jewish Community will hold and coordinate events throughout Lithuania..
Below you’ll find the events program for September 3, all of which are free and open to everyone.


Depictions of the Jewish Quarter – weekends

Saturdays 23 and 30 September, 7 October 2023 (also part of the European Heritage Days 2023 in Slovenia project: Rare and valuable knowledge, skills and professions).

The former Jewish synagogue in Maribor is the only preserved medieval synagogue in Slovenia. Today, it no longer serves its original purpose, instead, a public institution Synagogue Maribor, operates in it. The basic tasks of the institute are to research and present Jewish heritage, culture and art, which our visitors can learn about at a wide variety of cultural events and occasional exhibitions. We invite you to visit the synagogue and the current exhibition Depictions of the Jewish Quarter. Works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery.


Synagogue Maribor – a monument of national importance

The synagogue in Maribor is the only preserved medieval synagogue in Slovenia. Today, it houses the Center for Jewish Cultural Heritage, the Maribor Synagogue, and the building of the former synagogue is protected as a cultural and historical monument of national importance. As part of the open day, visitors will be able to see the former synagogue and the current exhibition in it, Images of Jews. Works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery.


Öffentlicher Zugang zur Gedenkstätte KZ Drütte

Veranstaltet von Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte e.V. / Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte.

Im Oktober 1942 wurde das KZ-Außenlager Drütte unter einer betrieblich genutzten Hochstraße auf dem Werksgelände der Reichswerke „Hermann Göring“ eingerichtet.

Das Gebäude steht seit den 1980er Jahren unter Denkmalschutz. Seine Spuren erzählen viel über die Geschichte des Lagers, aber auch über seinen Bau und Weiternutzung.

Veranstaltungsort: Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte, Eisenhüttenstraße, Tor 1,

Hinweis: Es findet keine Führung statt.
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei. Um Spenden wird gebeten.

Foto: Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte, Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte e.V.

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der vom Israel Jacobson Netzwerk e.V. organisierten 4. Jüdischen Kulturtage zwischen Harz und Heide.


Opening of the Month of Jewish Culture 2023.

Month of Jewish Culture 2023. Osijek
September 3. – 30.


Öffentlicher Zugang zur Gedenkstätte KZ Drütte

Veranstaltet von Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte e.V. / Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte.

Im Oktober 1942 wurde das KZ-Außenlager Drütte unter einer betrieblich genutzten Hochstraße auf dem Werksgelände der Reichswerke „Hermann Göring“ eingerichtet.

Das Gebäude steht seit den 1980er Jahren unter Denkmalschutz. Seine Spuren erzählen viel über die Geschichte des Lagers, aber auch über seinen Bau und Weiternutzung.

Veranstaltungsort: Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte, Eisenhüttenstraße, Tor 1,

Hinweis: Es findet keine Führung statt.
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei. Um Spenden wird gebeten.

Foto: Gedenk- und Dokumentationsstätte KZ Drütte, Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte e.V.

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der vom Israel Jacobson Netzwerk e.V. organisierten 4. Jüdischen Kulturtage zwischen Harz und Heide.

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