
Announcing the First EDJC 2023 Inspiring Memory Session!

The AEPJ is thrilled to announce the first “Inspiring Memory Session” of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2023!

The Inspiring Memory Sessions represent a series of four online sessions, through which experts in the field of memory and Jewish culture will present novel means of approaching memory in order to inspire organisers and coordinators when organizing activities in the context of the upcoming 2023 EDJC festival.

Luca Baraldi, renowned expert in memory studies, will be leading a session entitled “From social storytelling to social sensemaking: digitized memory and collective imagery.” The session will take place on May 9th at 4 pm CET and will be held online.

During this first session, Baraldi will explore the ways in which digitized memory and collective imagery can be utilized in social storytelling and sensemaking.


AEPJ Organizes its First Mid-Term Incubator of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage

On Friday, April 21, the AEPJ organized the first edition of the Mid-Term Incubator, which is an important stage in the development of the activities of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage (ERJH), as well as those actions developed in the frame of the recent ERJH Incubator in Izmir, Turkey. 27 professionals from the Cultural Routes of the ERJH actively participated in the meeting, as agents involved on the decision-making process regarding different topics related to ERJH project development.

The meeting, welcomed by AEPJ board member Claudia De Benedetti, consisted of several discussion groups based around the goals and values that the Cultural Routes of the ERJH are sharing and following as a list of criteria that any Cultural Route certified by the Council of Europe ought to bear in mind, and more specifically, when working within the frame of Jewish heritage.


AEPJ President François Moyse Explores Jewish Heritage in Italy

TURIN, ITALY — During the half holidays of Pesach, the President of the AEPJ, François Moyse paid a visit to Turin, Italy, at the warm invitation of AEPJ board member Claudia De Benedetti. Joined by AEPJ long-standing board member Annie Sacerdoti, they visited a few of the magnificent synagogues of the Italian region of Piedmont.

Since the beginning of the European Days of Jewish Heritage roughly 20 years ago, Piedmont has participated in the yearly practice of opening up the synagogues to the public.

For each synagogue visited, a person responsible for the building gave the group a tour and gave the necessary explanations on the synagogue and history of the Jewish community.

On the first day, the group was welcomed by several persons active in the Casale Monferrato synagogue.


Yom HaShoah — A Time for Memory and Remembrance

Yom HaShoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a solemn day of commemoration for the six million Jews who were killed during the Holocaust. Observed annually on the 27th of Nissan in the Jewish calendar (usually in April or May), Yom HaShoah is a time for reflection and remembrance.

This year, Yom HaShoah overlaps thematically with the European Days of Jewish Culture (EDJC) 2023, a festival that celebrates Jewish culture and heritage through a series of events and activities. The theme for this year’s EDJC is “Memory,” which is especially fitting given the somber occasion of Yom HaShoah.
While it is important to remember the atrocities of the past, it is equally important to find new ways of remembering.

Winner of the II EDJC Poster Contest Announced: Nikola Radic Lucati

The European Days of Jewish Culture is proud to announce the winner of the second poster contest, Nikola Radic Lucati, Founder of the Center for Holocaust Research and Education in Belgrade, Serbia. The winning poster design features the Hebrew language as a clear and understandable symbol, avoiding the overt use of Jewish symbols such as the Magen David, menorah, and talit. The design includes the current Jewish calendar year, emphasizing the theme of Memory, and the use of color and rust brushstrokes are balanced, yet suggestive enough to support both cultural and memorial events.

Using a single poster for all EDJC events helps to create a homogeneous festival and facilitate communication between organizers and participants.


WalkEUR Final Event Highlights Successful Partnerships in Promoting European Cultural Heritage

BARCELONA, SPAIN — On March 16, the WalkEUR project brought together experts and stakeholders from various organizations to discuss the challenges and opportunities of cooperation with Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. The event was hosted at two historic venues in Barcelona: the Centre Cívic Pati Llimona, ceded by the City Council of Barcelona, and Casa Adret, the headquarters of the AEPJ and one of the oldest habitable houses in the city.

The event began with institutional speeches by Assumpció Hosta, AEPJ General Secretary, Xavier Marcé, Councillor for Tourism and Creative Industries of the city of Barcelona, and Miguel Ángel Martín Ramos, President of the Network of Routes of Charles V.

The project introductions were followed by a lively debate with experts on the importance of the Cultural Routes in promoting European cultural heritage.


AEPJ Director Victor Sorenssen Interviewed by the Combat Antisemitism Movement

AEPJ Director Victor Sorenssen exchanged at length this week with the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) regarding the role of the AEPJ.

The Combat Antisemitism Movement transcribed the interview as follows:

What is the mission of the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ)?

The European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ), an NGO created in 2004, is a network of European institutions — including public bodies, private foundations, federations of Jewish communities, and NGOs — that serves as a platform to develop cultural initiatives and educational programs to European Jewish sites. The AEPJ network acts as a channel for intercultural dialogue and promoting better knowledge and understanding of European history, creating awareness of cultural diversity, and strengthening European citizens’ cultural identity.


AEPJ Participates in Meeting of Managers of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in Spain

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SPAIN — Organised by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Spain, in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia and the Concello de Catoira, in the City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela, this second meeting of Cultural Routes certified by the Council of Europe aimed at promoting greater knowledge between the professional coordinators of the certified routes with presence in the Spanish country.

Victor Sorenssen, director of the AEPJ, presented the paper Bringing Jewish heritage closer to citizens, challenge and opportunity, in the framework of which he dealt with the challenges that the European Routes of Jewish Heritage promotes the awareness of citizens in Europe to face anti-Semitism, recognising that the visibility of cultural expressions and Jewish legacy are a tool to face contemporary challenges of cultural diversity, racism and xenophobia, among others.


Welcoming the Jewish Community of Athens into the ERJH network

The AEPJ is proud to welcome the Jewish Community of Athens to the European Routes of Jewish Heritage! 

Once the incorporation of certain new members into the AEPJ has been made official, we start to deploy those projects under the umbrella of the new members of the network. In the case of Greece, the project manager of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, Marc Francesch Camps, met the new partners of JCA after attending the Youth4Culture project meeting in the city of Kalamata.

The meeting focused on issues related to the structure for the development of the project, the heritage elements that have been identified so far, and the agents that are operating from different experiences in research, conservation, dissemination and education in Jewish culture and heritage in Athens and the surrounding area. 

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