
Main training for trainers event for MiDorLeDor Europe takes place in Warsaw

The third phase of the  MiDorLeDor-Europe cooperative project meeting, organized by the AEPJ in partnership with the Taube Center for Jewish Life & Learning, Centropa, and the Jewish Heritage Network, was held in Warsaw from Monday, July 7th to Friday, July 12th. Over the course of 5 days, the project’s team of trainers engaged in intensive training sessions in preparation for an upcoming educator training program on Jewish heritage in several European countries. The main goal is to enhance the network of education professionals in Jewish heritage as part of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage initiative, focusing on the accuracy, quality of the experiences, awareness rising capacity.

The working blocks of the training have mainly dealt with strategies to:

  • convey knowledge about Jewish culture & heritage in its diversity through personal stories, using testimonies, photographs, films, exhibitions, and various audio-visual materials;
  • point out Jewish contribution to the target countries’ societies, making Jewish life visible, audible, and tangible;
  • promote a balanced culture of remembrance, present means to combat antisemitism and promote tolerance, dismantle (cultural) barriers and fearful, biased contact, and to build bridges from the past to the present.

NOA Project launches survey to shape Guidelines on Fostering Jewish Life across Europe


DEADLINE: Sunday 14th of July

In an exciting new initiative under the NOA Project (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism), community leaders are being called upon to contribute their invaluable insights to draft the NOA Guidelines on Fostering Jewish Life. These guidelines aim to provide municipalities, national public authorities, and civil society with practical tools and strategies to create vibrant and inclusive environments for Jewish communities across Europe.

The NOA Guidelines on Fostering Jewish Life are a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices designed to support and enrich Jewish communities. Covering various aspects of Jewish life—including cultural celebrations, education, community activities, and heritage promotion—the guidelines are poised to make a significant impact.

The importance of these guidelines cannot be overstated.


Submit your event for the European Days of Jewish Culture 2024!

This year’s European Days of Jewish Culture is set to be an unforgettable celebration, focusing on the theme of “Family.” The concept of family is central to Jewish culture and heritage, reflecting the deep connections that bind us across generations and communities. As we prepare for the festival this September, we invite you to explore and celebrate the diverse and enriching narratives of Jewish families.

Family, as this year’s theme, offers a unique opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of Jewish life. From historical family traditions to contemporary practices, the EDJC 2024 will highlight the roles families play in preserving and promoting Jewish culture. Through various activities and events, we aim to showcase how families contribute to the continuity and vitality of Jewish heritage.


Jewish Country Houses: A remarkable gathering at the Jewish Philanthropy Conference

The Jewish Philanthropy Conference 2024, themed “Solidarity, Antisemitism, and Cultural Heritage,” took place on June 24-25 at the esteemed venues of Brasenose College (Oxford), Upton House, and Waddesdon Manor. Organized by the Jewish Country Houses project with support from the National Trust and Waddesdon Manor, the conference was a resounding success, bringing together leading experts from around the world.

The conference featured a series of thought-provoking sessions led by distinguished scholars and practitioners. Highlights included keynote speeches and engaging panel discussions that set the stage for deep discussions on Jewish philanthropy’s historical and contemporary impacts. Experts explored various themes, from national paradigms of philanthropy to cultural legacies and philanthropic activism. In addition, curatorial workshops and guided tours at Upton House and Waddesdon Manor offered practical insights into heritage preservation, providing participants with hands-on experiences.


AEPJ President participates in the Training Seminar for Cultural Routes in Vilnius

The president of AEPJ François Moyse attended the Training Seminar for Enlarged Partial Agreement of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe National Stakeholders in Vilnius, on 19-20 June 2024, at the occasion of the (rotating ) presidency of Lithuania of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

The European Routes of Jewish Heritage were presented as a successful example of a European Cultural Route. Indeed AEPJ and his president were specially mentioned to the audience by Mr Alfredas Jomantas , the Head of Division in the Department of Cultural Heritage, whom we commend for his tireless work.

It was an opportunity to visit the restored wooden synagogue of Ziezmariai, and find the AEPJ plaque that we had put there 20 years ago, when a delegation attended a seminar on Jewish Lithuania.


Upcoming inspiring EDJC session with Luca Baraldi to connect festival themes of Memory and Family

The AEPJ is set to host an Inspiring EDJC Session on Thursday, June 20th, at 16:00 CET. This online event will feature Luca Baraldi, an expert in cross-cultural analysis and strategic intelligence, who will explore the connection between last year’s festival theme, Memory, and this year’s focus, Family.

Paul Valéry’s profound assertion that “memory is the future of the past” will serve as a foundation for Baraldi’s discussion. The session aims to delve into the intricate relationship between social and individual memory, examining how collective and personal dimensions interact. Additionally, it will address the dynamic between the binding legacy of the past and the liberating opportunities of the future, emphasizing the responsibility of memory.

Baraldi will guide participants through an exploration of the active role memory plays in defining identities and how the family acts as a bridge between personal and social history.


Celebrating impact and ensuring future sustainability of the EDJC

The European Days of Jewish Culture 2023 has culminated in a landmark achievement with the release of a comprehensive report detailing this year’s activities, outcomes, and the collaborative efforts across various countries. This document highlights the extensive work undertaken by the festival organizers and includes contributions from nations beyond the scope of the European funding project. The full report is now available online and can be accessed here.
A significant focus of this year’s EDJC was on evaluating the festival’s impact and organizing a final online conference to share insights and outcomes. The initiative was guided by the expertise of Raoul Sellam, renowned specialist in impact evaluation, ensuring that the methods used were both robust and reliable.

The process began with an initial meeting involving the project consortium partners.


Training Academy 2024: Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

From June 4 to June 7, the latest edition of the Training Academy of the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes programme took place in Brindisi, a city in the Puglia region of Italy. This annual gathering of managers and technical teams of cultural routes attracted 100 representatives from 37 itineraries across 22 countries.

The European Association of Vie Francigene (AEVF) had the honor of organizing this event, in collaboration with the European Institue of Cultural Routes, which supported this international showcase at a symbolic location on the Via Francigena in southern Italy.

The opening ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, including Mayor Giuseppe Marchionna, Director of the Tourism Department and AEVF Vice-President Aldo Patruno, President of the Italian National Tourism Agency Alessandra Priante, Maria Giusi Luprano of the Italian Ministry of Culture, and Stefano Dominioni, Director of the European Cultural Routes Institute in Luxembourg and Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Routes of the Council of Europe.


Kick-off meeting of the Mi Dor Le Dor Europe project begins in Barcelona

Barcelona, May 29, 2024 – The AEPJ has successfully launched the Mi Dor Le Dor Europe (MDLDE), project funded by the European Union under the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values – Remembrance (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-REM) programme with a two-day kick-off meeting in Barcelona. This project, inspired by the successful Mi Dor Le Dor Poland and Mi Dor Le Dor Italy initiatives, aims to expand and adapt the innovative methodologies for Jewish heritage and culture education created by Taube Center for Jewish Life and Learning across various European countries, enriching the understanding and preservation of Jewish heritage. MDLDE seeks to engage participants from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Ukraine, fostering a European awareness of Jewish contribution to the society, history, and culture, training Jewish heritage educators on methodologies and resources to display a better connection between the Jewish heritage mediation and the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, in line with the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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