The European Day of Jewish Culture 2022 has been very successful in Switzerland. There were over 30 events. Most of the local organizers were very satisfied with the participation and the involvement of the participants. Many questions were raised by the public who seems to have been very active this year. The guided tours of the synagogues in Basel, Delémont, Lengnau and Lausanne, the guided tours to the synagogue of Hegenheim as well as the tour about the first zionist congress in Basel, the movies and conferences have been very well received.
The European Days of Jewish Culture 2022, under the theme “Renewal”, kicked off on Sunday 4 September across Europe. More than 400 institutions in 30 countries are organising activities in their cities to celebrate Jewish culture from an open, diverse and pluralistic point of view.
This year, the town chosen to host the kick-off of the festival was Schirmeck in the French region of Alsace. But this election was not fortuitous, the reason behind the choice of this location is highly symbolic. In a historical act, the Sefer Torah of this small town has returned to the synagogue after an extraordinary epic journey, which began with a story of friendship between two young neighbours in Schirmeck, one Jewish and one Christian.
NOA (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism) is a project that is exploring multiple ways of dealing with antisemitism, counting among its main objectives the dissemination of positive narratives through socio-cultural educational activities towards diversity and Jewish culture, as well as with training and teaching tools that effectively counter antisemitic prejudice, aside others, to promote some serious steps in the development of holistic national strategies to address and prevent antisemitism.
In September two out of four seminars connected to NOA are being held in Florence (Italy) on 1st and 2nd September, hosted by the Comunità Ebraica di Firenze; and in Sarajevo (Bosna and Herzegovina) on 8th and 9th September by Hagada Sarajevo Association.
The first one, under the name Balagan Cafè – Special Edition, will focus on several cultural expressions in Jewish gastronomy, music, architecture, and literature where we can notice the notion of pluralism, specially regarding the influence by the context to the Jewish communities’ culture, and the opposite way, from the communities towards their context.
The WalkEUR project, in which the AEPJ participates together with other Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, opened a call for grants three months ago, looking for innovative and transnational projects to strengthen the strategic development of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage. Through this project, AEPJ routes managers have participated in different trainings in Europe, together with other managers of other cultural routes. The call for grants is one of the last actions of this European project, opening new opportunities for the development of new projects.
In the case of the Israeli House and the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, the proposal for the creation of the Jewish Path of Caucasus, means opening a remarkable cooperation between Georgia and Azerbaijan, for the promotion of Jewish heritage, with the union of their two national routes.
As has been customary for more than 20 years, the European Days of Jewish Culture 2022 will take place in early September. A pan-european Festival where the Jewish heritage is opened to the general public, with the aim of promoting dialogue, recognition and exchange.
The European Days of Jewish Culture takes place each year in more than two dozen countries across the continent, and has become Europe’s most successful cross-border Jewish cultural initiative. The Festival is coordinated by the AEPJ, through a large network of institutions dedicated to Jewish heritage and culture. It also has a partnership with the National Library of Israel, which plays an active role in making available to the coordinators a wide range of archival materials and educational resources.
Emil Majuk, route manager of the Shtetl Routes, part of the European Routes of Jewish Heritage, certified by the Council of Europe, has had the honour of publishing an article on his work in promoting Jewish heritage in the journal Perspectives, the publication of the Association for Jewish Studies.
The Association for Jewish Studies is a learned society and professional organization whose mission is to advance research and teaching in Jewish Studies at colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher learning, and to foster greater understanding of Jewish Studies scholarship among the wider public.
The eastern border of the European Union runs through land that for over four hundred years, from the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, was the most important center of Jewish culture in the world.
By Delphine Yagüe, Route Manager of the Medieval Route of Rashi in Champagne.
CEJI (A Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe) is a NGO born in Brussels in 1991 aimed to create an inclusive and democratic Europe. It raises educational and participative trainings against antisemitism, racism, islamophobia, xenophobia and so on.
From June 20th to 23rd, CEJI organized in Brussels a Training for Trainers in French, to teach each one of the 14 participants how to develop group activities and raise the audience awareness against antisemitism. This is the second edition of a programme recently held in Budapest, which another AEPJ member, Peninah Zilberman, was able to attend.
This specific training titled Confronting antisemitism is a dense programme, part of the European project NOA, Networks Overcoming Antisemitism.
The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, Paideia, organizes every summer a unique program in its field, the Paideia Project Incubator. A ten-day program for supporting the development of new initiatives for European Jewish life, including activism, culture and heritage. It offers lectures, workshops, peer review as well as individual tutoring time for each participant during the program. The first European program of its kind.
AEPJ director Victor Sorenssen, participated in 2017, where he was incubating the European Routes of Jewish Heritage. In fact, the AEPJ replicated the methodology of the Paideia Project Incubator under the programme of the AEPJ Routes Incubator, giving very good results in the field of Jewish heritage. In these years, several AEPJ representatives have participated in the Paideia programme, incubating Jewish culture and heritage projects, including Jewish heritage routes.
Since yesterday, the Galicia Museum in Krakow has been hosting “New realities of Jewish Heritage“, a conference marking the 10th anniversary of Jewish Heritage Europe. This event is organised by the Galicia Jewish Museum with the collaboration of the Taube Center for Jewish Life & Learning Foundation in Warsaw and Jewish Heritage Europe.
The AEPJ is present with its Secretary General, Assumpció Hosta, and its director, Victor Sorenssen. This meeting represents a unique opportunity to reflect on the state of development of Jewish heritage in Europe today. Over the course of two days, different sessions, presentations and round tables are taking place, exploring new project development strategies, the educational field in the field of Jewish heritage, as well as audience development and local engagement.