To what extent are people of today's generation united by a violent past and the memory of that past? What forms of subjectivity emerge through different memories of atrocities and what forms of collective action facilitate or hinder these memories?

Conference in Catalan.
Free entrance until full capacity.


Narrativa de la memòria. Conference by Alejandro Baer and Marta Simó

To what extent are people of today's generation united by a violent past and the memory of that past? What forms of subjectivity emerge through different memories of atrocities and what forms of collective action facilitate or hinder these memories?

Conference in Catalan.
Free entrance until full capacity.



El Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Lorca reabrió su exposición permanente tras los terremotos del 11 de mayo de 2011, para mostrar una parte importante de la Historia de Lorca a través de las colecciones arqueológicas. Las excavaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en una amplia zona del castillo de Lorca, han permitido documentar parte de la judería bajomedieval con una sinagoga situada en el centro del barrio judío. En la sala XII del museo se exponen las piezas halladas.
Fechas y horarios:
De martes a domingos de 10.00h a 14.00h
De martes a sábados de 17.00h a 19.00h
Precio: Gratuito


The Devil’s Confession: The Lost Eichmann Tapes

A few weeks before the opening of the Eichmann trial, transcripts of recorded conversations that Adolf Eichmann had had with a Dutch Nazi journalist, Willem Sassen, were mysteriously handed over to prosecutor Gideon Hausner. The conversations were held a few years before Eichmann was brought to Israel by the Mossad. During the trial, Eichmann tried to convince the judges that he was only a bureaucrat who carried out orders, but in the transcripts Eichmann was found boasting and proud of his significant role in planning and executing the Final Solution. For the first time, we will confront Eichmann with himself in full color, revealing the hidden factors and motives that succeeded in hiding these recordings.


Kontra-Quartet concert

Maribor's ethno-klezmer band Kontra-Kvartet is a group that is actively and creatively engaged in playing the traditional music of the Eastern European Ashkenazis. Their performances are always energetic and conjure up the charm of Eastern European dance rhythms, especially those that we don't hear so often. Kontra-Kvartet, which in recent years is actually a quintet, presented their music at various festivals and in synagogues in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Italy, Austria and Serbia, and they also performed at the biggest festival klezmer music in Israel. The members of the band Kontra-Kvartet are Vesna Čobal (violin), Daniel Marinič (accordion), Domen Marn (clarinet), Petar Marić (guitar) and Branko Smrtnik (double bass).


Adentro mío estoy bailando (The Klezmer Project)

Leandro is a frustrated Jewish wedding cameraman with no interest in his family’s religion. But when he falls in love with klezmer-playing clarinettist Paloma, he fabricates a documentary project on klezmer music in order to spend time with her. The film takes him through Eastern Europe in search of lost klezmer melodies that have been safeguarded by the Romani who lived alongside the Jews before the Second World War.

Award for Best First Opera – Berlinale 2023


The life and work of the printer Izidor Hahn

Na predavanju bo predstavljena družinska zgodba znane murskosoboške tiskarske družine Hahn vse od naselitve v Prekmurju do holokavsta. Predavatelja bosta zgodovinar Dejan Süč in domoznanec Pokrajinske in študijske knjižnice Murska Sobota dr. Albert Halász.


La puerta de la memoria

Los judíos sefardíes han mantenido vivo el recuerdo a lo largo de los siglos. Se llevaron consigo las llaves de sus casas con la esperanza de poder regresar.
Hoy son símbolo de memoria y vínculo entre todos ellos y con su tierra de origen, Sefarad.
La memoria es la facultad de conservación por excelencia. El acto que mejor define la memoria es el recuerdo.
Busca las puertas que hay en el Castillo y en la Ciudad de Lorca, ¡hazte una foto y participa!

Fechas: del 1 al 30 de septiembre
Precio: Gratuito
Lugares: Centro de Visitantes y Castillo de Lorca


Nothing will be forgotten

Renowned Slovenian literary and film maker and photographer Dušan Šarotar is the author of numerous books of prose, poetry and essays, as well as more than twenty scripts for documentaries and short feature films. The central theme of his novels, poetry and films is the fate of the Jewish community and the Holocaust in Murska Sobota and more widely in Prekmurje. On April 26, 1944, the Nazis and Hungarian fascists deported almost the entire Jewish community from Prekmurje to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Among the handful who survived the war was Šarotar's grandfather Franc Schwartz, "who never spoke about it". His story is also the common thread of Šarotar's novels Billiards in Dobray and Zvezdna karta, and at the forefront of the writer's interest are also memory, sadness, feeling and the human soul.


Concert by Yael Nachshon Levin with band and reception on Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year

On September 15, 2023, after sundown, Jews will begin celebrating this year's Rosh Hashanah, or Jewish New Year. At the same time, they will enter the year 5784. According to the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of Tishri (the seventh month of the Jewish calendar), and with it begins the 10-day period until Yom Kippur (the day of atonement or the holiday of reconciliation, repentance and forgiveness ), in which the individual should, among other things, take a thorough look at himself and reflect on his past actions and what kind of person he wants to be. The reception on Rosh Hashanah 2023 in the Graz synagogue will be brightened up by the Israeli-German musician, singer and songwriter Yael Nachshon Levin with an accompanying band.

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