MAMY FRAJDE is a concert produced by the Bente Kahan Foundation, which had its debut in Wroclaw with musicians from NFM (National Forum of Music) on the annual Children’s Day, June 1, 2022.
In January 2023, the foundation (FBK) took the initiative to continue this unique project, with Polish and newly arrived Ukrainian kids, many straight from war-ridden hometowns, to sing together traditional Jewish songs with lyrics translated into their own language.
The Yiddish song tradition is closely linked to Polish and Ukrainian folk music, given that Jews and Jewish culture were a well-established minority in both countries before WWII.
Today, with the war once again raging in central Europe, the children of Wroclaw, under Bente Kahan’s direction, are singing songs from the past in lyrics translated into their own native language.
The mix of the Yiddish, Polish, and Ukrainian languages gives the concert an extra flavor, a sense of unity, and understanding.
Bente Kahan and the children are accompanied by the folk music band “Chudoba”.
The concert is co-financed by the City of Wroclaw.


“MAMY FRAJDE” – a concert

MAMY FRAJDE is a concert produced by the Bente Kahan Foundation, which had its debut in Wroclaw with musicians from NFM (National Forum of Music) on the annual Children’s Day, June 1, 2022.
In January 2023, the foundation (FBK) took the initiative to continue this unique project, with Polish and newly arrived Ukrainian kids, many straight from war-ridden hometowns, to sing together traditional Jewish songs with lyrics translated into their own language.
The Yiddish song tradition is closely linked to Polish and Ukrainian folk music, given that Jews and Jewish culture were a well-established minority in both countries before WWII.
Today, with the war once again raging in central Europe, the children of Wroclaw, under Bente Kahan’s direction, are singing songs from the past in lyrics translated into their own native language.


Construction workshop with Kapla

Team construction of a large-scale model of one of the synagogues in the exhibition "Synagogues, architectures of memory", with the classic Kapla wooden pieces.


Jedwabne. Una història universal

Presentation of the book Jedwabne. Una història universal, with the author of the book and Monika Zgustová, writer. Musical accompaniment by Canòlich Prats, violinist of the Simfònica del Vallès.


Domicili inconegut

Domicili inconegut is an adaptation inspired by the work written in 1938 "Address unknown", by Kressmann Taylor (1938).


Open doors at the Museum of Jewish History

Open doors at the Museum of Jewish History.


21st Warsaw Jewish Film Festival

Festival remains an integral part of Warsaw, Poland-wide and world-wide festival’s map. Huge number of public audience attendees and contribution of Warsaw inhabitants means that they want to take part in this type of undertaking and are eager to reveal multi-cultural heritage of the city they live in. We believe that by popularizing by the art of film with “Jewish themes” we contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the history, tradition and cultural heritage of Polish and Warsaw Jews.
Apart from the richness of the program this year, we also put an emphasis on Ukrainian Jewish-themed cinema under the umbrella of the WARSAW JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL. It is a gesture and encouragement towards Ukrainian-speaking audience who reside in Poland due to the war going on in their home country.


Virtual exhibition “The History of Nożyk Synagogue”

The Professor Moses Schorr Foundation is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Our celebration aims to highlight the story of the Ryfka and Zelman Nozyk Synagogue, the sole synagogue in Warsaw that survived the war. We would like to invite you to an exhibition titled “The History of the Nozyk Synagogue.”

Up until now, the early history of the synagogue, starting from its establishment in 1902, has remained largely unexplored. Furthermore, many historians have inaccurately noted the date of Zelman Nozyk’s death, the synagogue’s founder. Over the past two years, we have dedicated our efforts to researching the synagogue’s history, and during Shavuot 2022, we shared some of our findings with members of the Warsaw Jewish Community.

Our objective is to rekindle the memory of the founder, the members, rabbis, cantors, and the diverse range of religious and social activities the synagogue was involved in.


Deportation Braunschweiger Juden während der NS-Zeit

Deportation Braunschweiger Juden während der NS-Zeit

Ein Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Michael Wettern.

Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Veranstalter: Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit Niedersachsen-Ost e.V.

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der vom Israel Jacobson Netzwerk für jüdische Kultur und Geschichte e.V. organisierten 4. Jüdischen Kulturtage zwischen Harz und Heide.


“Sterne ohne Himmel” – Kinder im Holocaust

“Sterne ohne Himmel” – Kinder im Holocaust

Die Ausstellung gibt einen Einblick in das Schicksal von Kindern während des Holocaust. Zeichnungen, Gedichte und Briefe belegen die Fähigkeit der Kinder, an der Macht des Lebens festzuhalten und der sie umgebenden Realität mit Kreativität, Phantasie und Optimismus zu begegnen.

Dienstag bis Sonntag 11 Uhr – 17 Uhr

Kreismuseum Peine. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der vom Israel Jacobson Netzwerk für jüdische Kultur und Geschichte e.V. organisierten 4. Jüdischen Kulturtage zwischen Harz und Heide.

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