Learn more about journalist Ženi Lebl, author of the books Odjednom drukčija, odjednom druga and Ljubičica bela – lecturers Paula Rem and Ana Lebl


My memory of Ženi Lebl

Learn more about journalist Ženi Lebl, author of the books Odjednom drukčija, odjednom druga and Ljubičica bela – lecturers Paula Rem and Ana Lebl


Living library in the Museum of Personal Stories (3)

Living library with Biljana Majnik and Romana Pavlov (Stories of the Jewish People)


Memmento and Hommage to the Jews of Belišće

Judaism – lecture – Damir Lajoš
Jews in Belišće – lecture – Dragan Milec i Milan Salajić
Opening of the exhibition – author Toni Franović
Concert – Trio NEO
Performance – dance group Haverim Shell Israel
Cooperation with the municipality of Belišće


Living library in the Museum of Personal Stories (4)

Living library with Damir and Ivanka Lajoš (Stories of the Jewish People)


Art workshop for children and parents

Curator pedagogue: Kristina Delalić-Vetengl


Jewish Heritage Day

This year’s Jewish Memorial Day will fall on August 13, 2023.

Among other things, Jewish Heritage Day includes 15 recently renovated buildings from the 10 Star Jewish Monuments Revitalization Project, which will be open to the public at a discounted admission price. The monuments will be open most days from 10:00-17:00. If a full-day opening is not possible for various reasons, the monument will be accessible at least during part of those hours. Specific opening times will be given in advance of the week in each monument detail on the site map. The event is organized by the Jewish Community in Prague in cooperation with the Administration of Buildings and Cemeteries a. s. Matana, the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic and other regional partners.


Teibele and Her Demon (Tajbele i njen demon)

Based on the novel by Isaak Bashevic Singer
Starring: Milena Radulović, Dragan Petrović, Vukašin Jovanović
Costume design by Gordana Angelovski
Directed by Stefan Sablić


MUHBA El Call Open Doors

Opened in March 2015, the MUHBA El Call is the best starting point for learning how the Barcelona Jewish community lived in medieval times.

Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 15 pm and from 16 to 19 pm.


Entrada 2×1 al Museu d’Història Medieval de la Cúsia-Presó, s. XIV

A Castelló d’Empúries es conserva una important col·lecció lapidària hebrea procedent de l’antic fossar o cementiri hebreu medieval que avui es conserva en una de les sales del Museu d’Història Medieval de la Cúria-Presó. Aquestes peces, juntament amb la resta de la col·lecció del museu es podrà visitar amb descompte si veniu acompanyats. Una magnífica oportunitat per visitar el museu i els seus entorn.

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