The synagogue in Maribor is the only preserved medieval synagogue in Slovenia. Today, it houses the Center for Jewish Cultural Heritage, the Maribor Synagogue, and the building of the former synagogue is protected as a cultural and historical monument of national importance. As part of the open day, visitors will be able to see the former synagogue and the current exhibition in it, Images of Jews. Works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery.


Synagogue Maribor – a monument of national importance

The synagogue in Maribor is the only preserved medieval synagogue in Slovenia. Today, it houses the Center for Jewish Cultural Heritage, the Maribor Synagogue, and the building of the former synagogue is protected as a cultural and historical monument of national importance. As part of the open day, visitors will be able to see the former synagogue and the current exhibition in it, Images of Jews. Works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery.


Summer vibe on the “most beautiful balcony” of Maribor

Židovska ulica with its associated square marks a culturally and historically important part of Maribor, which in today’s urban design at the same time reveals itself as an extremely attractive, urbanistically completed corner of the city. Galleries and other cultural institutions operating on this street wanted to, on the one hand, promote the recognition of their cultural and artistic production, and on the other hand, the recognition of Židovska ulica or Židovski trg as “the most beautiful balcony in the city” and at the same time one of the most important historical spaces Jewish heritage in Slovenia, connected to the Židovska Cultural Quarter. Five partner organizations – Center for Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, Youth Cultural Center Maribor with Gallery Media Nox, Photo Club Maribor with Photo Gallery Stolp, Association of Fine Artists Maribor with Gallery DLUM and GT22 & Fundacija Sonda – within the framework of the aforementioned initiative, are striving to revive the pulse of the former Jewish quarter and thus directly or indirectly rekindle the memory of its former inhabitants, and at the same time, with a variety of non-Jewish contents, to encourage awareness among its visitors that just about every visitor to the Židovska Cultural Quarter – regardless of age, expectations and taste – can find a program here , which will attract him and provide him with a quality cultural and artistic experience.


A Story of Two Transports. Jews from Međimurje and Prekmurje During the Holocaust

The exhibition presents the long history of Jews in the area of Prekmurje and Međimurje, the rise and flourishing of Jewish communities in this area, their contribution to the development of cities and towns in both regions, and the sad fate that befell them during the Holocaust. The exhibition, the author of which is Boris Hajdinjak, is complemented by rich visual material, and was prepared within the framework of the international project Never Forget – Remembering the Holocaust and Building Tolerance and Solidarity in the EU and solidarity in the EU). The partners of the Never Forget project, which was financed by the EU, were the Jewish Municipality of Čakovec and the Municipality of Lendava.


The book heritage of the pre-war Prekmurje Neological Jewish community: prayer books and ritual books and their owners

The poster exhibition presents the precious legacy of the Prekmurje Jewish community before the Second World War. The books that were published in the period from 1779 to 1942, including some particularly valuable antiquarian books, are now part of the new Jewish collection of the Murska Sobota Provincial and Study Library. The author of the exhibition, Maja Kutin, an expert on Hebrew and Judaism, and Boris Hajdinjak, director of the Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, will present the exhibition.


KULTUTCA – Contemporary Jewish Cultural and Arts Festival

KULTUTCA is the first Jewish cultural festival where contemporary arts play the leading role.
The European Union celebrates the European Day of Jewish Culture on the first Sunday of September each year, which falls on the third Sunday of this year. On this day, 12 outdoor installations will showcase contemporary Jewish culture and art in Csányi Street, the shortest street in the 7th district.
Between 10am and 6pm, there will be around 25 different events on the street, including two award-winning performances (Long-Haired Cat-Boy Cub and Vircsaft) at the Golem Centre and concerts and exhibitions at Csányi 5.


Randonnée pédestre sur la trace des communautés juives de la vallée de Mossig

Randonnée pédestre organisée par l’Association d’Histoire de Westhoffen et Environs:
“La marche des colporteurs : Westhoffen, Romanswiller, Wasselonne – Sur les traces des communautés juives de la vallée de la Mossig”
Départ : salle des Cerisiers à Westhoffen (parking), à 9h00
Parcours : 20 km (attention dénivelé : 450 m !)
Repas tiré du sac. Prévoir de l’eau, des chaussures et du matériel de randonnée.
Contact : – 33 (0) et 33 (0)
Inscription souhaitée par mail.


Commemorative event dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Minsk Ghetto

The event will be held to honour the memory of the victims who were killed in the Minsk Ghetto during the Second World War. A press conference has been organised and will take place in the main synagogue of Belarus, where everyone will be able to ask questions to two former prisoners of the Minsk Ghetto – Frida Reizman and Vladimir Trakhtenberg. Then together with the survivors there will be a procession to the memorial “Pit” (Yama), where on 2 March 1942 the Nazis shot around 5000 prisoners of the Minsk Ghetto. It is there that the Jewish memorial prayer Kaddish will be recited and according to the Jewish tradition we will leave small stones at the memorial in an act of remembrance and respect for the deceased.


BBUK European Days of Jewish Culture and Heritage

Check the PDF program here.


Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica

Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica 2023

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