Dévoilement des plaques à la mémoire de Gilbert Weil


Hommage à Gilbert Weil créateur du Musée judéoalsacien de Bouxwiller (suite)

Dévoilement des plaques à la mémoire de Gilbert Weil


EDJC 2023 – Tag der offenen Tür in der ehemaligen Synagoge

On the occasion of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2022, members of the Auerbach Synagogue Society welcome you in the former Synagogue of Bensheim-Auerbach.
With their activities, the members of the Auerbach Synagogue Society would like to keep the memory of the Jewish congregations in Auerbach and the district alive.
On the outside of the synagogue building, there is an inscription on a memorial plate – a verse from Deuteronomy, 4,9:
"Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons."


Living Memories – Living Monuments

European Day of Jewish Cultural Heritage – Open Monument Day

Living memories / Living monuments
Sunday September 10th 2023, sometimes September 9th
Free entrance

The European Day of Jewish Cultural Heritage is a yearly event that takes place in more than 30 countries all over Europe and aims at showing how Jewish Culture and Traditions have been deeply incorporated into the local culture of each country (see www.jewisheritage.org).

Amsterdam – Coevorden – Groningen – Maastricht – Meerssen
Middelburg – Overveen – Roermond – Tilburg – Zwolle – Zuidlaren

RAS synagogue/Obrecht synagogue, Heinzestraat/Jacob Obrechtplein

open: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
– Visit the very special architecture both from outside as well as inside, the beautiful coloured windows, hear about Jewish traditions, services
– Synagogal music
– Film about the recent renovation and about the well known Jewish architect Harry Elte who designed this building in 1928

Gerard Dou Synagogue / Gerard Doustraat 238

open: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
– Guided visits
– Stories about history, the architecture of the building
– Synagogal music

Joma museum: Jewish second generation – art and family / Brouwersgracht 49

open: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Personal family stories with pictures, and history based art

Zeeburg / Old Jewish cemetary of the city Amsterdam, Valentijnkade 124

open: 12.00 PM – 5:00 PM
Guided visits to the restaured cemetary, in which between 1714 and 1914 around 80% of the Asjkenazi Jews of Amsterdam were buried (Sephardic Jews had their own cemetary in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel)

Coevorden – only on Saturday September 9th
Synagogue Museum Coevorden, Kerkstraat 36
– 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Guided visits in the Synagogue Museum
– 2:00 PM – 2.30 PM in the Synagogue and Thijnhof: The Leoville Klezmer Syncopators
– 3:00 PM -3.30 PM on the market: The Leoville Klezmer Syncopators
– 4:00 PM – 4.30 PM in the Synagogue: The Leoville Klezmer Syncopators

Synagogue Groningen, Folkingestraat 60

open: 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Visit and guided tours

Concerts at 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM
Irene Maessen-singing and Eleonore Pameijer-flute
This well known duo often plays together at concerts, especially concerts of Nazi persecuted composers, organized by the Leo Smit Foundation, which aims at bringing to life the music of persecuted Jewish composers as well as composers who were persecuted because of their resistance activities (www.forbiddenmusicregained.org).


Synagogentour | Exkursion nach Binswangen und Buttenwiesen

2004 gründete sich das „Netz­werk Historischer Synagogen­orte in Bayerisch ­Schwaben“ mit zunächst fünfzehn Orten, an denen sich einst Synago­gen oder jüdische Betsäle befanden. Meist wurden sie in der NS­Zeit zerstört oder nach dem Krieg abgebrochen, an­dere zweckentfremdet. Einige wurden renoviert und dienen heute als Dokumentations­ und Begegnungsstätten.

Auf der ersten Exkursion des Erinnerungsortes BADEHAUS möchten wir zwei dieser Orte besuchen: In Binswangen befindet sich die älteste im neomaurischen Stil errichtete Synagoge Deutschlands, die seit 1996 als Begegnungs­stätte genutzt wird.

In Buttenwiesen ist eine jüdische Gemeinde seit 1571 nachweisbar. Nach dem Neubau der Synagoge 1856/7, ihrer Schändung im Novem­ber 1938 und dem Umbau zur Volksschule in den 1950er Jahren nutzt heute die evange­lische Kirche das Gebäude für Gottesdienste. Erhalten sind der jüdische Friedhof und das ehemalige jüdische Ritualbad.


Le cimetière parisien de Bagneux, ses monuments commémoratifs et ses sépultures collectives juives.

Visite guidée du patrimoine juif des divisions israélites du cimetière parisien de Bagneux, les monuments commémoratifs, l’histoire des sociétés mutualistes et leurs caveaux collectifs, ainsi que certaines sépultures à l’architecture particulière.

Renseignements et inscriptions au 01 44 61 29 15, au 06 09 94 32 49 ou par mail : f.s.j.f@wanadoo.fr


A Diáspora Judaica Portuguesa: cristãos-novos, criptojudeus, marranos, «gentes da nação» (séc. XV a XXI)

Opening and guided tour of the exhibition.
As part of the European Days of Jewish Culture, the Interpretation Center of the Jewish Community presents, during the month of September, the exhibition The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora, organized by Editorial Chandeigne and presented in Portugal by Associação Hagadá | Tikva – Jewish Museum Lisbon.
This exhibition tells, over 20 panels, the story of the Portuguese Jewish diaspora in the Sephardic context, still little known, from its origins – the forced conversion of Portuguese Jews in 1497 – to the contemporary reminiscences of Marrano memories and their places of memory, showing it as a Jewish history, but also Portuguese, European and worldwide.
Persecuted by the Inquisition from 1536 onwards, many New Christians left Portugal, looking for a place to practice Judaism more or less freely, having participated, between the 16th and 18th centuries, in the profound socioeconomic, religious and intellectual changes that brought the western world to modernity.


Jugando en sefarad

Siéntete como un poblador de la antigua judería del Castillo de Lorca en una visita guiada familiar con actividades lúdicas para que te diviertas mientras aprendes.

Lugar: Castillo de Lorca (Fortaleza del Sol)

Fechas: sábados de septiembre

Horario: 18.30h


Recreación histórica “La vida en la judería”.

Serás un habitante más de la judería medieval de este castillo formando parte de una recreación histórica en la que varios personajes que la habitaron te enseñarán los secretos de sus antiguos oficios y como se ganaban la vida en el castillo de Lorca.
Lugar: Castillo de Lorca (Recepción Fortaleza del Sol).
Fecha: 2 SEPTIEMBRE 2023
Horarios pases: 10.30h y 12.30h.
Reserva previa imprescindible.


Visite du cimetière juif de Biesheim

Visite guidée du cimetière par M. Jean-Marc Lalevée

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