The opening ceremony of the exhibition “Beyond Duty” will take place on September 3, 2023 in the Museum of Jewish Culture of Slovak National Museum.

The exhibition is dedicated to the Diplomats who have been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic deeds saving lives during the Holocaust.

Alongside “Beyond Duty”, the exhibition Jewish Swimming Revolution will also be shown. which depicts the successful Jewish swimmers of the origin from Slovakia mostly representing the Maccabea organisation.


Opening Ceremony – Beyond Duty

The opening ceremony of the exhibition “Beyond Duty” will take place on September 3, 2023 in the Museum of Jewish Culture of Slovak National Museum.

The exhibition is dedicated to the Diplomats who have been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic deeds saving lives during the Holocaust.

Alongside “Beyond Duty”, the exhibition Jewish Swimming Revolution will also be shown. which depicts the successful Jewish swimmers of the origin from Slovakia mostly representing the Maccabea organisation.


ZAKHOR: honrar a nuestros antepasados

ZAKHOR: honrar a nuestros antepasados

Con la palabra ZAKHOR, la Torá ordena recordar, no de forma pasiva sino con alguna acción para expresar y reforzar la memoria ‘haciendo presente el pasado’.
En 2008, en respuesta a la solicitud de las comunidades judías de Barcelona, la Generalitat de Catalunya declara el antiguo cementerio judío en Montjuïc como Bien Cultural de Interés Nacional. Gracias a la investigación de un equipo de arquitectos e historiadores hoy tenemos más información sobre su extensión y límites.
En esta visita al antiguo cementerio aprenderemos aspectos aún vigentes de la tradición funeraria, la historia del cementerio, nombres en las pocas lápidas encontradas. Conoceremos los criterios y el proceso para recuperar una pieza del patrimonio catalán, esencial para la práctica de la memoria de la comunidad y la de la ciudad.


Opening of the exhibition “ASHKENAS. 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland”

In scope of the “European Days of Jewish Culture” we are opening the exhibition “ASHKENAS. 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland” with a lecture by Dr. Oliver Gußmann: “1700 years of Jewish life in German-speaking countries. A heyday of Jewish life in Rothenburg ob der Tauber”.

Music and drinks afterwards.


ASCHKENAS. 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland

This exhibition was produced by the German “Zentrum für Mission und Ökumene der Nordkirche-weltweit”.
On 20 roll-ups pictures and texts provide a good overview of the history of the Jews in German-speaking countries.



ŠTETL FEST is a multi-genre festival that gives a glimpse into Jewish culture and history under the subheading “Dignity in Diversity”.

The programme, consisting of lectures, concerts, theatrical shows and appearances by personalities of Judaism and stars of Jewish culture, aims to contribute to the understanding and openness of the Jewish community not only in Central Europe. It is arranged in a comprehensible and attractive way for the broadest public, opening up opportunities for dialogue for all, regardless of religion, gender or race, and thus leading to tolerance and sensitivity to different ways and opinions.

The festival is based on the foundations of Brno’s Jewish history, from which grows a colourful, vibrant and no less interesting layer of contemporary Brno. It is the largest festival of Jewish culture in the Czech Republic.



Aida Mujacic, Ewa Zurakowska and Svetlana Sarkisyan in a musical collage of songs from the Balkans, Caucasus and Eastern Europe



The exhibition, on loan from the National Archives in Prague, presents a collection of extraordinary value, providing a reliable picture of the internal development of settlements and their topography and documenting, among other things, the economic and social state of the Jewish population in the Czech lands.



Jewish cemeteries in the photographs of Jaroslav Guth. The exhibition is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2023.



Exhibition of Helga Weiss – Hošková, an academic painter, depicting life in the Terezín ghetto, where the author spent three years as a girl. During her three-year stay in Terezín, she created more than a hundred drawings of unique artistic and documentary value, depicting life in the ghetto as seen through the eyes of a child between the ages of twelve and fourteen.
The exhibition is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2023

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