In the lecture, Maja Kutin, a leading collaborator in the project of cataloging the book heritage of the pre-war Slovenian community in Prekmurje, will present the stories behind the selected treasures of prayer books and ritual books. Members of the local Jewish community used the Hebrew Bible and the Torah with references from the former rabbis of Murska Sobota to swear an oath before the Murska Sobota court, and the signatures in mourning prayer books for the dead reveal the stories of families that influenced the economic and social development of Prekmurje. The valuable collection is kept in the Provincial and Study Library of Murska Sobota.

(Due to the limited number of places, prior registration with name and surname is mandatory by September 18, 2023 at


The book heritage of the pre-war Slovenian Jewish community in Prekmurje has been revived

In the lecture, Maja Kutin, a leading collaborator in the project of cataloging the book heritage of the pre-war Slovenian community in Prekmurje, will present the stories behind the selected treasures of prayer books and ritual books. Members of the local Jewish community used the Hebrew Bible and the Torah with references from the former rabbis of Murska Sobota to swear an oath before the Murska Sobota court, and the signatures in mourning prayer books for the dead reveal the stories of families that influenced the economic and social development of Prekmurje. The valuable collection is kept in the Provincial and Study Library of Murska Sobota.

(Due to the limited number of places, prior registration with name and surname is mandatory by September 18, 2023 at


The Spiritual Value of Memory in the Torah

The Ljubljana Synagogue opened on November 9, 2021, the ceremonial introduction of the Torah scroll was attended by a delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis, and this time the doors of the synagogue are being opened to the general public for the first time. The presentation of the space will be followed by a lecture by the chief rabbi for Slovenia, Ariel Haddad, entitled The Spiritual Value of Memory in the Torah. Collective and individual, historical and narrative – memory is the foundation upon which Judaism is forged. The root ZHR in Hebrew means "memory" and "remembering", as well as "manhood"… How does memory fertilize Judaism and root it in the fertile soil of four thousand years of history? The lecture will be in English, translation will not be provided.


visita teatralizada “Devorah y la sinagoga olvidada”

Lorca Taller del Tiempo, ofrece una visita teatralizada con un personaje judío que recorrerá con los visitantes parte de la fortaleza con parada en el Aljibe del Espaldón y en el Parque Arqueológico y su Sinagoga, para descubrir cómo era la vida de los judíos medievales de Lorca.
Fecha: Domingo 3 de septiembre
Horarios: 11.45h y 13.15h


Opening of the exhibition “Jewish Minsk Before Me”

Opening of the exhibition "Jewish Minsk Before Me" by graphic artist Bogdan Dovgyalo. The paintings feature Jewish buildings and wooden synagogues that formerly existed in Minsk, but have not survived to this day. In his Jewish paintings, the artist draws slightly distorted representations of the Jewish life as a part of Belarusian life. Some of the works are dedicated to the Minsk Ghetto, which will be displayed on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of its liquidation.
The paintings will be exhibited in the main synagogue of Belarus and timed to the opening of the Minsk Jewish Heritage Centre.


Jewish cemeteries

Branimir Ritonja has been one of the most prominent masters of contemporary Slovenian photography for many years. His prolific opus consists of works with a variety of motifs, which he supplemented a few years ago with a series of photographs of Jewish cemeteries in a vast area from Venice and Trieste through Rožna Dolina near Nova Gorica, Dolga vas near Lendava and Varaždin all the way to Bratislava, Brno, Mikulov, Prague and Krakow. With these photographs, the photographer devoted himself for the first time in his long artistic photography career to the documentary research of the culture of Jewish cemeteries. The exhibition was premiered in 2017 at the Maribor Synagogue Jewish Cultural Heritage Center, and since then it has been shown at several other locations.


The book heritage of the pre-war Prekmurje Neological Jewish community: prayer books and ritual books and their owners

In 2021, the Murska Sobota Provincial and Study Library implemented a cataloging project of 99 units of Jewish prayer books and ritual books that were owned by Jewish families living in the Prekmurje area until the beginning of the Second World War or until their deportation to concentration camps. The final result of the cataloging was the establishment of the Jewish Collection. The exhibition presents a selection of prayer books and ritual books according to different content sections. Through the books, which are silent witnesses of the heritage of Jewish life in the Pomur region, the activities and fate of their owners and the local Jewish community are also presented. The authors of the traveling exhibition are Maja Kutin, a project collaborator, an expert on Hebrew and Judaism, and Boris Hajdinjak, director of Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor.


Visita guiada el temps d’Avraham Xalom / Concert de piano de Toni Costa Sefarad al Piano

Visita guiada a càrrec dels tècnics del Museu de Tàrrega sobre la persona i el temps en que va viure el filòsof i metge targarí Avraham Xalom. la visita comença al museu i acaba a la casa d'Avraham Xalom, després de fer un recorregut pel call.
La visita ve seguida del concert de Toni Costa, Sefarad al piano, a la mateixa casa d'Avraham Xalom.


Jewish life in Prekmurje with Marko Krenn, Dušan Šarotar, and Boris Hajdinjak

Day of Jewish Culture / Jiddis Kulturális Fesztivál A Bisale Mazl or Piece of Happiness / Egy kis mázli, which will start at 12 noon in Šalovci, will continue with a rich cultural program in the afternoon in Domanjševci. The introduction to the afternoon's events will be marked by speeches by the Mayor of the Municipality of Šalovci, Iztok Fartek, and the President of the Pomeranian Hungarian National Community, Dušan Orbán, as well as a dance performance by children from the Domanjševci Kindergarten. This will be followed by a round table on Jewish life in Prekmurje with renowned researchers and connoisseurs of the history and fate of Prekmurje Jews: Marko Krenn, Dušan Šarotarje and Boris Hajdinjak. In 2015, independent researcher Mark Krenn crowned his long-term study of the Jewish community in Prekmurje with the monograph Julij Gyula Schönauer, Šalovo photographer, and on the occasion of the Day of Jewish Culture, he will prepare a special photo exhibition, which will show images from the life of Jewish families in Šalovci and the surrounding area, and which will be open to the public that day.


A Bisale Mazl – A piece of happiness – Egy kis mázli

With the day of Jewish culture / Jiddis Kulturális Fesztivál, which the organizers named A Bisale Mazl or A piece of happiness / Egy kis mázli, in Šalovci and Domanjševci they will revive the memory of Jewish families who once lived in the area of today's Šalovci Municipality. The one-day event will start at 12:00 in front of the municipal building at the address Šalovci 161, at the place where special commemorative cobblestones (also stumbling blocks or originally Stolpersteine) were laid in 2022 in memory of Šalovci Jewish photographer Juli Gyula Schönauer and his family. In 1944, the Schönauers were taken to Auschwitz together with the majority of Prekmurje Jews, from where they never returned. At the opening

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