Concert del pianista Toni Costa a la casa d'Avraham Xalom del call de Tàrrega amb el seu espectacle Sefarad al piano on oferirà versions adaptades al piano de música tradicional sefardita de la diàspora. Es duran a terme 2 sessions de 40 minuts a les 12 i les 13 hores dl diumenge 3 de setembre.

Toni Costa és pianista i improvisador. Amb un perfil artístic agresolat es forma en música clássica i antiga així com en jazz i músiques d’arrel. És pianista acompanyant de dansa a l’IEA Oriol Martorell de Barcelona y col•labora amb el Ballet de l’òpera de Ginebra i el Ballet de l’òpera de Lió, entre altres. Paral•lelament, desenvolupa projectes com a solista en relació a la memòria històrica, revitalitzant músiques antigues i posant en valor el patrimoni cultural del seu país.

Sefarad és l’apel•latiu en hebreu per anomenar la península ibèrica. Els jueus que van habitar aquestes terres van ser expulsats al 1492, provocant una diàspora que va donar lloc a la hibridació de les seves músiques per diferents regions de la Mediterrània. Aquest concert vol posar de relleu el valor eclèctic d’aquestes cançons d’origen tradicional i vocal mitjançant arranjaments moderns per actualitzar-les i sintetitzar-les a piano sol perquè cobrin una nova dimensió. També sonaran noves composicions de Toni Costa sobre les cançons dels “katalanim”, els jueus catalans que van fundar dues comunitats principals a Roma i Salònica i dels que s’estan descobrint nous vestigis musicals. A més a més, també es pretèn establir vincles i texir ponts amb altres músiques sacres i profanes de les tres religions monoteïstes, que durant molts segles transferien coneixement entre elles en les nostres contrades.


Concert del músic Toni Costa Sefarad al Piano a la casa d’Avraham Xalom

Concert del pianista Toni Costa a la casa d'Avraham Xalom del call de Tàrrega amb el seu espectacle Sefarad al piano on oferirà versions adaptades al piano de música tradicional sefardita de la diàspora. Es duran a terme 2 sessions de 40 minuts a les 12 i les 13 hores dl diumenge 3 de setembre.

Toni Costa és pianista i improvisador. Amb un perfil artístic agresolat es forma en música clássica i antiga així com en jazz i músiques d’arrel. És pianista acompanyant de dansa a l’IEA Oriol Martorell de Barcelona y col•labora amb el Ballet de l’òpera de Ginebra i el Ballet de l’òpera de Lió, entre altres. Paral•lelament, desenvolupa projectes com a solista en relació a la memòria històrica, revitalitzant músiques antigues i posant en valor el patrimoni cultural del seu país.


The influence of religion on politics and public life in the Middle East

In the second issue of the year 77 (2022) – and in the upcoming first issue of the year 78 (2023) – the magazine Edinost in dialog touched on the issue of the influence of religion on politics and public life. In the thematic issue, authors from different countries presented examples of the coexistence of politics and religion in some countries of the world and offered an insight into the importance and diversity of the issue of the relationship between religion and politics in the modern world. Due to the exceptional relevance of the topic, selected contributions that have been or will be published in the magazine Edinost in dialog will also be presented at the international symposium. Special emphasis will be placed on the influence of religion on politics and public life in the Middle East.


Israel: honey, milk and unrest

The Jewish state, strung between the Mediterranean, Dead and Red Seas, has developed into a technological, economic and military power in 75 years. How did this Middle Eastern democracy survive in the world’s most challenging geopolitical neighborhood? Peace without peace? The documentary film Med, mleko i nemir by author Nejc Krevs sheds light on important historical, social and political milestones in the development of the modern Israeli state, from Zionist ideas, the Holocaust, the Jewish-Arab wars to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, peace negotiations and diplomatic relations between Slovenia and Israel. Krevs’ documentary debut offers an insight into the phenomenon of Israeli social and cultural contradictions formed by newcomers from more than 150 countries. The condensed ethnic space of the 9-million-strong Israel strengthens the spirit of liberal and secular thought on the one hand, and the breakthrough of religious zeal and noble conservatism on the other.


Depictions of the Jewish Quarter – weekends

Saturdays 23 and 30 September, 7 October 2023 (also part of the European Heritage Days 2023 in Slovenia project: Rare and valuable knowledge, skills and professions).

The former Jewish synagogue in Maribor is the only preserved medieval synagogue in Slovenia. Today, it no longer serves its original purpose, instead, a public institution Synagogue Maribor, operates in it. The basic tasks of the institute are to research and present Jewish heritage, culture and art, which our visitors can learn about at a wide variety of cultural events and occasional exhibitions. We invite you to visit the synagogue and the current exhibition Depictions of the Jewish Quarter. Works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery.


Sefer Barcelona, Jewish Book Festival: Memory

As part of the extensive program of the EUropean Days of Jewish Culture in Catalonia, where several Jewish cultural festivals join forces to work together, we find Sefer Barcelona. As is usual in many European cities, Barcelona hosts an event dedicated to the Jewish book in broad sense – that is to say: from literature to thought, from history to philosophy.

The previous editions of Séfer were born from the will of various organizations and institutions to work together to make possible a diverse and open cultural event that could have a continuity and above all, an own mark.

Therefore, in the Sefer program, lectures are held by local and foreign Jewish authors, but also by non-Jewish authors who have dealt with aspects related to Jewish history or culture, and even specialists, addressing different languages and cultures, with the willingness to discuss on issues of the past and the present in the light of all these subjectivities.



Memory has several dimensions and includes both internal, personal memories of what we ourselves experienced and experienced, as well as external, collective recollection of what is no longer there. A memory is to some extent timeless, as it is passed down from generation to generation and is preserved in written form long after the lives of those in whose minds it was formed. At the same time, it is also firmly anchored in time, described and defined by the moment in which it was created. Libraries are storehouses of memory, which is present in memorial and archival materials, books and records of countless lives, knowledge and thoughts. The National Library of Israel, with its archival collection and more than five million books, is the central institution of national memory.


Alienated domesticity

Lana Soklič's photography exhibition and the Synagogue Maribor's open doors day at the opening of the Maribor Photography Festival 2023.

Lana Soklič is a young artist who is presenting herself at this year's Maribor Photography Festival with the series Alienated Domesticity, in which she explores the concept of "crop". As part of her research, she visited the Bellevue Hotel. With the help of double exposition, its space was changed so that its atmosphere changed from familiar to alienated, eerie and dark. In the foreground is the relationship between light and shadow, where the opposing axes, alienation and domesticity, are presented, combined into a coherent whole. The Lana Soklič exhibition will be on view in Synagogue Maribor until September 30, 2023.


Light, hope, love

Light, hope, love is a unique intimate tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution, which was created as a musical project of three internationally renowned music creators – academic violinist and professor of music Inga Ulokina, renowned musicologist, composer and pianist Olga Ulokina and soprano Marina Igritske. The music program that visitors can listen to at the concert includes a selection of works by great masters of classical music, mostly of Jewish roots, such as Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Jacques Offenbach, Ernest Bloch and Joseph Achron – composers who expressed the motif of hope, love in their works and lights.


Depictions of the Jewish Quarter. Works of Art from the Collection of the Maribor Art Gallery

Picturesque views of the streets and squares of medieval Maribor were popular motifs of Maribor artists in the first half of the 20th century. Among the artistic views of old Maribor, the views of the preserved part of the mighty south-eastern city walls with the former Jewish quarter, the synagogue and the defence tower seem especially dramatic. In the selection of ten works of art from the collection of the Maribor Art Gallery, we follow the time from 1919 to 1959, which historically represents a tumultuous period of diverse political arrangements and state affiliation, but the image of the Jewish quarter remained unchanged and is still one of the most pleasant parts of Maribor old town. The curator of the exhibition, which will be on display in the Synagogue Maribor until 19th of January 2024, is Simona Vidmar Čelik.

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